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  1. timbot

    "Happy Out"

    Not just girls, down in Waterford it is a common enough phrase for both sexes...
  2. timbot

    Tom Waits for Dublin

    Ofo course...
  3. timbot

    Tom Waits for Dublin

    Can't wait! And when I turned 25 in November my Mum gave me ticket stub from when she saw him in the 70s telling me that it looks like it would be unlikely that I would get the chance to see him. Haha Mum! Who's laughing now?!
  4. timbot

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    I loved Atomised and would have ranked it as one of my favourite books until I read Platform. Not only did I not like it, reading it made me like Atomised less as well.
  5. timbot

    Spencer Tunick wants YOU in the nip

    Thankfully I have been told on more than one occasion that the beauty of my balls more than compensates for the horrorzone that is my face...
  6. timbot

    Spencer Tunick wants YOU in the nip

    Ah yeah, but that could happen when you were taking a piss on the way home from a night out either...
  7. timbot

    Spencer Tunick wants YOU in the nip

    I am signed up and looking forward to this, a little nervous but sure how bad can it be?
  8. timbot

    Peep Show

    I saw a new episode over the weekend where Mark confronts the guy who breaks into his house. I thought he was finally growing a pair. Hopefully the rise of confident Mark continues...!
  9. timbot

    Jesus camp.

    It's kind of strange how many far-right politicians/spokespeople, priests and bible-bashers are caught out like this. How come they get all the fun?
  10. timbot

    Gigantic Spider Scares the bejaysus out of me

    Like this?
  11. timbot

    Gigantic Spider Scares the bejaysus out of me

    I used to work in a pool and the combination of humidity and heat used to make spiders grow HUGE! They really don't bother me though, rats are the only thing that I get the heebie-jeebies around...
  12. timbot


    Cool!!! Can't wait...
  13. timbot

    Penis enlargement

    Subversive East German time
  14. timbot

    Takes crazy to know crazy?

    That sounds so sweet! Where was that?
  15. timbot

    I'm dying, what do I do to make it stop?

    Any update?
  16. timbot

    School Retreats!

    Went on one, it was alright. It was more like a team-building conference seminar type thing than having any real religious content. We huffed lighter fluid and smoked joints that night - it was a laugh...
  17. timbot

    LSD inventor dies, age 102

    That's a stone groove man
  18. timbot

    Takes crazy to know crazy?

    Signatures like these aren't helping either missy...