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  1. timbot

    The most over/misused words in the English language

    Yeah, that one gets my goat too. In fact alot of absolutes are qualified...very true...
  2. timbot

    The most over/misused words in the English language

    I quite like those Irishisms (sic) that carried into English. Some others that I like: The car broke down on me. I will come downstairs so.
  3. timbot


    This place is actually still a building site, you should probably have a hat hard on, sorry, I mean a hat hard on. Oops, look at that, I did it again... ...scene continues A: This is Michael, he is in charge of our Internet Computer M: There's nae porn on it! A: Did you understand that? No...
  4. timbot

    The most over/misused words in the English language

    YES!!!! And when talking about books, Kafkaesque
  5. timbot

    The most over/misused words in the English language

    Eponymous Sophomore Like x on y i.e. Miles Davies on Acid
  6. timbot

    The most over/misused words in the English language

    Hmm...uncomfortable might have been the best option
  7. timbot

    The most over/misused words in the English language

    I thought of another use of literally that drives me mad, even though it is gramatically correct. When someone tells you a mundane story that features a line like: "And there I was, literally only standing in the queue..." Well, I hardly thought that this highly ordinary story was an allegory...
  8. timbot

    The most over/misused words in the English language
  9. timbot

    The most over/misused words in the English language

    "immense" in rugby, and what exactly is "half a chance"?
  10. timbot

    The most over/misused words in the English language

    It's called hypercorrection, people know they should use the word "I" instead of "me" in some cases but end up using it in almost all cases. I am not a grammar freak to the point that I think people should answer the phone "It is he" or anything...
  11. timbot

    The most over/misused words in the English language

    Brazen Hussy...
  12. timbot

    The most over/misused words in the English language

    Like, defo... OH!!! Another one, when people use "I" when they mean "me". "He was talking to you and I about it..." Also RAS syndrome (Redundant Acronym Syndrome Syndrome): PIN number...
  13. timbot

    The most over/misused words in the English language

    Literally followed by a metaphor has me literally jumping out of my skin with rage. Irregardless when people mean regardless (not the same as flammable and inflammable). A business one but people say "I will action that", taking away "actions" from a meeting, etc...
  14. timbot

    Science/Fantasy fiction bukes

    But why would you deny yourself the chance to read another amazing book? Besides, it is hardly Philip K Dick's fault he is one of the flagship authors of sci-fi. No-one would suggest that you shouldn't read Hunter S Thompson when reading New Journalism because he is so well known...
  15. timbot


    Genius move though
  16. timbot

    Science/Fantasy fiction bukes

    Well, if you like classic sci fi read one of his earlier books and later books like A Scanner Darkly, Unik, VALIS, etc are all just great books. Flow my tears is a good halfway point between earlier style and later style. But if you like Sci-Fi you should really check him out...
  17. timbot

    Science/Fantasy fiction bukes

    That is fair enough, I guess I think with alot of Sci Fi I like the idea has to be something that couldn't be easily expressed in another form. Whereas Gateway, as much as I enjoyed it, could have been set in the Wild West or in modern times and the same story elements would have applied. That...
  18. timbot

    Science/Fantasy fiction bukes

    I got a loan of Last and First Men by Olaf Stapledon from Ootini and read Starmaker by him as well. Really beautiful sci-fi. They are both about races of people rather than individuals and are really wonderful reads...
  19. timbot

    Science/Fantasy fiction bukes

    Well, the beauty of Gene Wolfe is that he was an engineer and so there is alot of science buried in his work. Shaney, Peace is really his only non-sci-fi piece. Try Book of the New Sun (which I have been raving about to all and sundry). Great book and not straight ahead sci fi. I read...