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  1. Burgerbarbaby


  2. Burgerbarbaby


    Al Jourgensen's looking well
  3. Burgerbarbaby

    Electronic band — best way to do live sound?

    So you've got electronics, guitar, vocals? Last electronic thing I was involved in we had what I would think is a fairly standard gig setup: we sent three stereo separates from the computer: 1. bass, 2. drums, 3. everything else. Everyone else sent their own signal on their own channels. It...
  4. Burgerbarbaby


    So, she wants an end to the monarchy, and no brown-skinned people? It's a bit late for the latter but she may have a point on the first.
  5. Burgerbarbaby

    stupidly good drumming.

    Jaki Liebezeit tribute night in the Cologne Philharmonie last year...bit of Michael Rother, some Hans-Joachim Irmler and lots of Drums Off Chaos.
  6. Burgerbarbaby

    Hellworld Thread

    We used to call it Vibe For Smiley
  7. Burgerbarbaby


    All true but while this reappraisal is going on Labour are a headless chicken. There was a good deal of excitement about Labour's new direction and a lot of horror at the result of Cameron's disastrous exit which led to the uptick in Labour membership. There's still a huge amount of energy and...
  8. Burgerbarbaby


    I mean Corbyn is stuck in a old-school Left mindset, not necessarily a bad one, even in relation to the EU. He thinks that the EU is the vehicle for making Capitalism the only feasible means of existing in Europe. It's a fair point. But not too many people even within Labour can go along with...
  9. Burgerbarbaby


    Just to address this bit (I agree with the rest of your post): What I was talking about in relation to May was more about characteristics of leadership. She has managed to drag on with the decision she made, despite being in a party that has probably more fundamental divisions in it than even...
  10. Burgerbarbaby


    @annpost Yeah, it's beyond remedy at this point. But he's had two years to research and design and build a magic wand, really. Corbyn has had a disconnect between his public and semi-private opinions on Brexit, that's one thing. He's not been able to coherently argue a position and has been...
  11. Burgerbarbaby


    You're spot on about Martin. I think the electorate over there is in a reactive panic, as a result of (for better or for worse) having made a clear decision which their leaders can't implement. I think many of their representatives are dreadful human beings who have deliberately increased the...
  12. Burgerbarbaby


    It's funny, it seems the feeling in Britain (reading various newspapers and listening to Radio 4, for what it's worth) is weirdly irrational. "People" aren't doing any more thinking than they ever were, as usual they're just reacting to the mess. I think it's playing into the hands of the...
  13. Burgerbarbaby

    The Non-Animated JPEG Thread

    I enjoyed the way the A, I and Y are in muted colours, and the F, M and L are more brightly rendered.
  14. Burgerbarbaby

    Comprehensive list of acceptable Christmas music

    That's really good fun. Although I nearly didn't get further than that awful Helloween track. Edit: no ACDC :cry:
  15. Burgerbarbaby

    New Year's Resolutions

    They're ADORABLE I share their feelings on haters
  16. Burgerbarbaby

    🎄 Happy Christmas Everyone 🎄

    Hope everyone's having a good day. This is from a playlist Lux and Ivy Cramp did for Bust magazine.. And one of the all time greats...
  17. Burgerbarbaby

    Can you recommend a practice space?

    Has anyone mentioned Badlands in Harold's Cross yet? Three rooms with good backline. Limited storage, some parking. Super nice and very helpful owner. Badlands Studios - Harold's Cross - Dublin
  18. Burgerbarbaby

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    Planning on being in the pub for Neil Young
  19. Burgerbarbaby

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    Thanks for the reminder! Just got two. Cheapos are gone, mine were €213 in total
  20. Burgerbarbaby


    This is where the Tories are having their Christmas party this year The Cuckoo Club | Swallow Street – London – W1B 4EZ – T +44 (0) 20 7287 4300