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  • Before: Dec 25, 2011
  • Users: Gambra
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  1. Gambra

    Last ever Fag Enablerz gig for Long Long Time - Thurs 25th November, The Gypsie Rose

    Re: Last ever Fag Enablerz gig for Long Long Time - Thurs 25th November, The Gypsie R This was a great gig, only caught Moutpiece and Fag Enablerz in the end. Gyspy Rose is a little too much of a self consciously "rocker" bar for my liking and the sound isn't the best but if gigs continue in...
  2. Gambra

    steve ignorant gig yokey

    I think the price was more down to the choice of venue, Button Factory gigs are usually a flat 20 quid minimum for a touring band. Atari Teenage Riot the night before was the same price. I didn't head to the gig but was at the Q&A at Tower, that was alright. He seems like a nice guy.
  3. Gambra


    I'll be voting for a guy who was in a year below me in school that's running for the Socialist Party. I may not fully agree with them but it's the best choice and he's a good dude.
  4. Gambra

    Amazon Kindle now available in Ireland

    I was looking at this for a potential christmas present for myself and when I went onto Amazon UK they were telling me to buy it off Amazon International which added about 50 euros in postage and "pre-import fees" and other shite. If I were to post it my sister in the UK would I be missing...
  5. Gambra

    I'm Going Back to College!

    Hopefully this:
  6. Gambra

    I'm Going Back to College!

    I'm planning to go back next September to Ballyfermot and I'm dreading the class being filled with 17 and 18 year olds straight out of the Leaving Cert..
  7. Gambra

    Wanted: Godspeed You! Black Emperor ticket, 10th Dec, Tripod

    Since it seems I won't be making it to ATP, I'll go for the next best thing. Just looking for a single ticket but if you've a pair to get rid of I'll take em as I know many others looking for them too!
  8. Gambra

    The Social Network

    That's kind of the point of the entire film..
  9. Gambra

    23/12 Shebeen Chic - RIGHT!!!!THUMPED CHRISTMAS PARTY 2010 STARTS HERE!!!!!!

    Re: RIGHT!!!!THUMPED CHRISTMAS PARTY 2010 STARTS HERE!!!!!! Worst case scenario I'd have to get a train or something. Hopefully the prices don't get spiked or seats get sold out..
  10. Gambra

    23/12 Shebeen Chic - RIGHT!!!!THUMPED CHRISTMAS PARTY 2010 STARTS HERE!!!!!!

    Re: RIGHT!!!!THUMPED CHRISTMAS PARTY 2010 STARTS HERE!!!!!! Hrm, the 23rd.. Might be difficult getting back down to Limerick on Christmas Eve from Dublin.
  11. Gambra

    Daft Punk Red Box 97 Bootleg

    Not this shit again.
  12. Gambra

    Why isn't there a thumped chatroom?

    That's even more backwards for most people here, if it's not tweetable it doesn't exist.
  13. Gambra


    Well fuck your shit AMC. One or two less zombies would have paid for another series of this.
  14. Gambra

    Now that everyone's broke...

    I still am broke, always have been. Though I'm dreading the moment I have to start paying rent which is going to be pretty soon I think..
  15. Gambra


    This was posted in November 2006. Chad was way ahead of his time.
  16. Gambra

    I have the horn for...

    It's probably the only time this will be said but the Dennings photos are far superior to the Alba ones.
  17. Gambra

    I have the horn for...

    ATTN: I is John !!! NSFW:
  18. Gambra

    23/12 Shebeen Chic - RIGHT!!!!THUMPED CHRISTMAS PARTY 2010 STARTS HERE!!!!!!

    Re: RIGHT!!!!THUMPED CHRISTMAS PARTY 2010 STARTS HERE!!!!!! Awesome, I made the cut. I'll be there.
  19. Gambra

    ATP curated by Godspeed! You Black Emperor - 3rd - 5th of December 2010

    Still looking for a chalet space at this, I'll take anything lads.
  20. Gambra

    scott pilgrim vs the world

    Sometimes I wonder why I even bother browsing Thumped anymore.