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  • Before: Dec 25, 2011
  • Users: Gambra
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  1. Gambra

    New Irish Releases 2010

    That's not very punk. There'll be no zine reviews for you lads.
  2. Gambra

    Mad Men Season 4

    This series is probably the best so far.
  3. Gambra

    Divisions Ruin gig on friday

    Wearing the same shirt to a gig.. Shocking fashion sense lads.
  4. Gambra

    E-Book Reader

    Amazon claim it's about a month battery life without using the wireless. I'd believe it, it only uses battery to actually change the pages and to download books.
  5. Gambra

    E-Book Reader

    iPads are pretty expensive and I wouldn't feel comfortable taking out a 500 quid piece of kit that's a little too large to be reading on a bus or something. It's backlit as well which would make reading for more than an hour or two hell.
  6. Gambra

    E-Book Reader

    I really want to get one of the new Kindles. Price point is just right too. I've been trying out the Kindle app for Android and it's pretty great though the Android screen is a little small.. There's a program called Calibre that you can put any ebook format you have and convert it to a Kindle...
  7. Gambra

    ATP curated by Godspeed! You Black Emperor - 3rd - 5th of December 2010

    Throbbing Gristle are also headlining one of the nights: Does anyone want to split a chalet with me? Most people I know that would be into it have exams around that time but I don't have anything like...
  8. Gambra

    What movie did you watch last night?

    ratmonkey, have you seen this yet? It's not that bad.
  9. Gambra

    The King Of Kong Billy Mitchell just reclaimed both the Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr word records over the weekend.
  10. Gambra

    I have the horn for...

    Standards are really slipping in the Rose competition.. They all have this pained look on their face as if they have no idea how to smile. If I had to pick on just looks alone then the London Rose I suppose. Edit: There's a Luxembourg rose? Surely she got in by default or something? How many...
  11. Gambra

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    How did this thread become one of the most popular on the entire forum?
  12. Gambra

    Divisions Ruin gig on friday

    I thought Divisions Ruin had finished up?
  13. Gambra

    Refused at The Sunshine Bar Dundalk, 23rd May 1998

    Are you the actual taper of this? It's been floating about the net for a few years.
  14. Gambra

    That Irish bloke thats playing cricket for England

    1916 has zero relevance to a cricket team in 2010. Who gives a shit what team he plays for. More chance if winning something with the English team.
  15. Gambra

    New Music

    Sonic Boom Six? New? And good? Negative on both counts.
  16. Gambra

    Les Savy Fav

    There's a new EP floating about the place, it's really bad sadly. ROME is still excellent.
  17. Gambra

    awards & achievments ?

    So I guess rep just became important again huh?
  18. Gambra

    Supersonic 2010

    Unless I've missed something?
  19. Gambra

    What IS the most derided subgenre of punk?

    I told ye steam punk was shit. And CM Punk is the man
  20. Gambra

    Meeting People

    Nice gimmick account, stick with it and it might become something.