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  • Before: Oct 30, 2007
  • Users: Lord Damian
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  1. Lord Damian

    Foo Fighters

    who are the two tin-cans-for-ears that voted "YAY"?!?!??!?
  2. Lord Damian

    Foo Fighters

    first couple albums were ok, the last half dozen (whatever) are SHIT. but not even shit in a good way, just in a bland, unimaginative way. the Krab would eat us alive if he saw this Anthony.
  3. Lord Damian

    Bass techniques and playing styles

    little from column A, little from column B when i first got it, i just didn't like how "woody" the tone was, but my ears can now appreciate it....dunno if it's down to my age or deafness level...played it through a Fender combo and it sounded great...the real test will be through my Ampeg.
  4. Lord Damian

    24 hours of piss

    i only had my first yop the other day...but i do drink tomato juice in the morning. the other day it spilled in my lap and made it look like i was having my monthly.
  5. Lord Damian

    Bass techniques and playing styles

    just pulled my 4001 out of storage last night, haven't played it or even looked at it in 4 years...dunno why, the thing sounds good. old strings tho, tearing my fingers up. i know this has nothing to to with the topic at hand, i just wanted to express my joy. for the record, this is what it...
  6. Lord Damian

    24 hours of piss

    what a misleading thread title. yeah, sometimes things suck.
  7. Lord Damian

    To the pricks who threw eggs at me last night:

    one night about 6 months ago i had just walked out of my door, and was waiting for this SUV to roar by so i could cross the street - fucker slowed down and some jackass threw an egg at me, hitting me in the leg. it didn't break, and fell onto the road....and still didn't break. i was happy, yet...
  8. Lord Damian

    errrr....i've got this lump...

    i think i'd like that very much. maybe it'll be like that A-Ha video. i'm ready for a little adventure.
  9. Lord Damian

    unofficial video for large mound

    jeers to work blocking youtube. i'll just imagine it's the boys dressed in catholic school girl outfits. yessssssssssss.......ssssssss
  10. Lord Damian

    errrr....i've got this lump...

    not gone, but getting smaller.
  11. Lord Damian

    Stolen Drum Kit

    well good luck dude.
  12. Lord Damian

    Last day at work

    i've never had a last day in work - i've been working the same job since they let me out of Juvie.
  13. Lord Damian

    Stolen Drum Kit

    buddy of mine had the same experience, out walking with his wife, came across his stolen bike miles from home...left the wife there to guard it and went home and got a the bike back. what's so identifying about this kit that makes you think it's yours Eric?
  14. Lord Damian

    errrr....i've got this lump...

    ps - i just had a can of tomato juice and a kit kat bar. i think i may be pregnant. now THAT's a reasonable lump to take to the doctor!!!
  15. Lord Damian

    errrr....i've got this lump...

    see, that's the problem with the world today...everybody runs to the doctor when they find the tiniest thing out of the ordinary. the lump is going away. if i had've gone to the doc i would've wasted both his time and mine.
  16. Lord Damian

    errrr....i've got this lump...

    what ISN'T?
  17. Lord Damian

    errrr....i've got this lump...

    kidding. it's half the size it was, seems to be going away. no pain. although my last post ensures that i have something very bad coming.
  18. Lord Damian

    errrr....i've got this lump...

    well it pretty much quadrupled in size overnight and i can't currently open my jaw more than a few cm's...hurts like a bastard...heading to the doctor this morning....also have a headache and fever and my vision is blurring occasionally....not good...
  19. Lord Damian

    Overstepping boundaries?

    this is JUST the type of rejuvenation this thread needed. huzzah.