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  • Before: Oct 30, 2007
  • Users: Lord Damian
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  1. Lord Damian

    cat problem

    yeah, the scent of cat shit. we keep washing the rug thinking that they might stop doing it. they're also mighty pukers too. rare is the day i come home and there isn't anything to clean up. what's the attraction with these animals?!?!?!?!
  2. Lord Damian

    [Access denied} Website blocked by WebMarshall......

    that's what i figured. i was only joking, but as long as you got em...maybe you could do the occasional mailout letting members know of alternate url's should they get blocked. or maybe i should actually do some fucking work.
  3. Lord Damian

    It Begins

    i for one welcome our new alien overlords.
  4. Lord Damian

    cat problem

    there's been no disturbance in the force that i can think of. and to figure out which one is the problem i'd have to, as i said, set up some sort of surveillance. 3 cats, 2 boxes. maybe we should get another box. fucking cats.
  5. Lord Damian

    cat problem

    hmmmm....perhaps. pain in the tits to move those things every day, but might be worth a try. we don't let them on the internet.
  6. Lord Damian

    cat problem

    so me and the missus have 3 cats...actually, they are all hers, they love her and despise me, and the feeling is mutual...over the past several months, one or more of them has taken to having a shit about a metre away from their litter boxes, which are at the bottom of the entrance stairs (we...
  7. Lord Damian

    You're Not Splitting Up My Family

    well, this is a depressing way to end my working day. thanks ladies.
  8. Lord Damian

    You're Not Splitting Up My Family

    so what's the deal, why exactly were the kids taken away? was the dad not taking care of them?
  9. Lord Damian

    [Access denied} Website blocked by WebMarshall......

    well it's my own fault, i reckon it's because the IT dept here logs how much time i spend on a site and act accordingly...this is the message i get from for example Your organization's Internet use policy restricts access to this web page at this time. Reason: The Websense...
  10. Lord Damian

    [Access denied} Website blocked by WebMarshall......

    i was told by one of our tech guys that it's a bit more sophisticated than the program consulting a blacklist. Something along the lines of how most sites are "rated" by users, or put into categories, and then entire categories being banned as per the desire of the end user. As for who's rating...
  11. Lord Damian

    [Access denied} Website blocked by WebMarshall......

    it was a beautiful dream for about 3 seconds there... Your organization's Internet use policy restricts access to this web page at this time. Reason: The Websense category "Proxy Avoidance" is filtered. URL:
  12. Lord Damian

    The Beatles recording technique questions

    dunno if this has been posted or discussed before: fairly awesome.
  13. Lord Damian

    Happy Birthday to Ian on 16th September 2007

    happy birthday cry rock supertzar.
  14. Lord Damian

    Overstepping boundaries?

    Simply inform her you have OCD.
  15. Lord Damian

    Life's A Riot With Milk Vs Prick

    that's some shitty punning right there.
  16. Lord Damian


    that was my first thought too. i'm not sure i've ever seen him play a guitar like this.
  17. Lord Damian

    Thumped Dares

    i dare myself to post a dare to myself in the Thumped dares thread.
  18. Lord Damian


    fella, if you don't think this thread is a comedy...
  19. Lord Damian

    Life's A Riot With Milk Vs Prick

    this is the breast thread i've read today.
  20. Lord Damian


    and does winky face now denote the end of a sentence?