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  • Before: Dec 15, 2008
  • Users: Rachel666
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  1. R

    Gary Numan

    he's got a pilots license!!
  2. R

    American Inventor

    stop inciting racial hatred jane
  3. R

    Do any of you ACTUALLY exercise?

    back when i was allowed have hobbies, i was a raving badminton enthusiast. whenever we're asked in PE what we wanna play i'm already grabbing a racket. wish i was strong enough for tennis and those crazy badminton slams. i can't wait to get back to it! has anyone ever played squash? whats that like?
  4. R

    Quotes from your parents

    A few months ago, my dad went for his lunchtime walk around wicklow. As he walked by the river, he seen my mam feeding the ducks. Rather than greet the woman he's been married to for over 20 years and perhaps invite her for a cup of tea, he decided to run up behind her and pretend to...
  5. R

    Quotes from your parents

    me: a holocaust survivor is speaking in our school tomorrow mam (smart voice): oh are they from heeer-oh-sheeema or naaa-gah-saki? as i've mentioned before on this forum she tends to emphasis the completely wrong part of a word which is so funny. poetry=poh-ay-try discipline= disSIP-lin...
  6. R

    Frenzy Hitchcock

    Re: Fenzy Hitchcock hahaha OH CHRIST i know!! how utterly bizarre. I love when people say crazy things in old films.
  7. R

    Frenzy Hitchcock

    Re: Fenzy Hitchcock deadly film. the hitchcock boxsets are on offer as well in loads of places.
  8. R

    Loserdom #17 out now

    112 pages! what a tank of a zine!!
  9. R


    open discussion of whether eirecore was a part of thumped, OR is thumped a house and eirecore its granny flat?
  10. R

    dry ice

    (tried searching for any threads about it. last ones 3 years old so...) where can i get a dry ice machine? is it much different from a fog machine? are there any dangers? (i.e. ruin carpets, kill people, etc) what kinda lights compliment it?
  11. R

    gack eighties prom dresses

    aw wow! thanks for the advice. I was in a dress shop recently and told that you can pretty much take up any dress in a puffball way and add tulles underneath. This probably isn't news to anyone but I was enlightened...
  12. R

    gack eighties prom dresses

    yes oooh! that dress makes me mad as well, but not as mad as the ending. i wonder if i could buy (or possibly find) a pattern for a dress. i've never made a dress in my life, which will undoubtedly add to the gack.
  13. R

    gack eighties prom dresses

    does anyone know where i can get one? im going to a party of that theme in a few weeks, but i'm also toying with the idea of wearing one to my debs. im thinking puffball, shoulder pads, that tinfoilley material.... oohhh. advice appreciated!
  14. R

    Best Sandwich

    chilli humouz, pepperz, cauldran falafel, mixzed leafs, monster munch i luv crisps IDST!!!
  15. R

    Comic Books

    ooooohhh ahhhhh! has anyone read the chronicles of wormwood? is it any good?
  16. R

    What was the first gig you ever went to??

    anyone see nirvana as their first gig???? anyone see them at all....? anyone friends with courtney love when she lived here? :)
  17. R

    What was the first gig you ever went to??

    sixteen year old michelle, how could you like such a shitty band? I wish i could time travel and slap sense into youuuu!!!
  18. R

    Calvin and Hobbes

    my favourite one is when Calvin gets bigger and bigger until he's bigger than the universe. so amazing and surreal! then suddenly he's at a desk and his mam asks if he's finished his maths homework. he grins really cheekily and says "i'm almost started!" Its my life in a nutmichelle.
  19. R

    Flight of the Conchords

    my friend does such a good impression of the Alvy the racist dragon sketch that its better than the original. "he said, racistly"
  20. R

    x-ray spex Live in london

    no poly styrene?