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  • Before: Dec 15, 2008
  • Users: Rachel666
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  1. R

    clocks go back.

    i fuckin went to the market to work today an hour early and i didn't find out till 4pm. AHHHHH it was so cold. made worse by reading books about soviet concentration camps. actually kill me now!!
  2. R

    thumped self portrait festival of strangeness - aka The Selfies Thread

    as a robot prostitute from the future Want to email somebody a link to this photo?
  3. R

    how clean is your punk house

    up the south dub poshos! our 6 bed, 1 acre garden, killiney mansion got wrecked last night. someone kicked a window in, which'll cost loads to repair :( its a tote kip right now. im goin back to mop up....
  4. R

    Cyndi Lauper -Tripod - 18th of October

    so full of energy for her age, twas brill. she got booed ten minutes after she finished as die-hard fans waited hopelessly at the closed curtains waiting for "true colours".... didn't happen
  5. R

    photos of human figures moving

    wow cheers! im sure its asked a zillion times on this forum but where's the cheapest place to buy a tripod? none of the stand on a table shiiiite!
  6. R

    photos of human figures moving

    its for art tho... i kinda need something i could print and show. the multi-exposure stuff looks good n my camera does it!
  7. R

    Punk Rock Debs Portraits

    those photos are so amazing. esp the "when two oli's collide" ones. wish i coulda gone!!
  8. R

    photos of human figures moving

    if you were asked to show the human figure "moving" through photos how would you? without reverting to generic things like dancers..? its for college. all i got is muybridge and slow shutter speeds :(
  9. R

    -crisp reviews-

    any health food shop in south dublin, id say. yum mums luv them for their kids. afaik they're 100% apple so they are in fact healthy...
  10. R

    -crisp reviews-

    you can get them apple or banana crisps here in health food shops. they're great!
  11. R

    New Seomra Spraoi!

    gwan the lads :)
  12. R


    i'd love to see this bah.
  13. R

    art college in berlin?

    does anyone know anything about art college in berlin or could put me in contact with someone who goes to one? i have grandish german and am doing a portfolio plc, and thought id be kinda cool to live and go to college there. if there was any general core-year type course that'd be great. all...
  14. R

    Jaysus cycling!

    one day while walking home from dun laoghaire me n a friend found this bmx. the handlebars are completely snapped off and need new ones. its fairly rusty in places but i reckon its ok, the chain is totally rusty but still works. dunchee, if u can come out n fix it up i will give you cans of...
  15. R

    These Arms Are Snakes & Russian Circles (wed nov 19)

    they should totally play my gaf/ woaooaaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaHAHAHA
  16. R

    Dave O Doherty show on Limerick Live 95FM

    he also held his own against russell brand, with his amazing impression: "woo, i did a poo on a womans car and then i cried!" nerdcore comedy rocks.
  17. R

    If you're lookin for somethin to do tomorrow afternoon-

    rats! i wanted to go but was in bits today...yuk
  18. R

    why mac

    sweet! i think i'll hold out for it then