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  • Users: Gabbo
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  1. Gabbo

    Peep Show

    Missed the new Episode last night. Any good? Is it worth spending my Friday nights in? The clip on C4 didn't seem very funny.
  2. Gabbo

    The Greatest Battle Of Our Generation

    Love the look th cat gives at 0.36, where he's like: is this guy fo real. Then he brings it to him. Only on a Sunday morning laptop in bed session could I have ever watched the entire thing.
  3. Gabbo


    Would have, but she bought the tiks.
  4. Gabbo


    My girlfriend got repeatedly bashed by those dancing maniacs, but besides that, it was pretty great. New stuff sounds amazing. Longstreth has an amazing ostrich-like neck.
  5. Gabbo

    pat ingoldsby

    Me too. Must dig it up. Think it had a big cow on the front and it use to stick out on my bookshelf cuz it was a wierd shape.
  6. Gabbo

    Foggy Notions presents GIVEAMANAKICK album launch party Friday May 2(FREE ADMISSION!)

    Re: Foggy Notions presents GIVEAMANAKICK album launch party Friday May (FREE ADMISSI .|..| Boo ya!
  7. Gabbo

    atp - camber sands

    Think we had to give our names at the gate before they let us go down to get our wristbands. Almost certain that you had to show it to get in and out of the site though.
  8. Gabbo

    Magnetic Fields

  9. Gabbo

    I've had too many cups of tea today

    I can't sleep if I have tea near my bedtime. S'gotta be bout 2 hours before lights out.
  10. Gabbo

    Fuck Jo's and Bobo's

  11. Gabbo

    Magnetic Fields

    Why do all good bands seem to go to Malaga these days. Surely it's full of middle-aged Dubs and Germans in speedos. Those are my memories of it anyway.
  12. Gabbo

    THE DODOS (Irish debut) in CrawDaddy on Friday June 13th

    Just got Visiter the other day. Sounds good. I will go.
  13. Gabbo

    Silly women - the sexist thread

  14. Gabbo

    Electric Shavers

    I bought a Philips one for bout 100e. Barely use it now. Definitely doesn't get a close enough shave and those whisker things Shaney mentioned are enfuriating, especially along the jawline. Don't ever try shave beard-like stubble off with one. It's not a hedge trimmer.You may have to trim the...
  15. Gabbo

    Irish Jam

    Would have cast Rob Schneider in the lead role. He's about to find out...
  16. Gabbo

    I Just Took Charlton Heston's Gun...

    YouTube - Los Simpson-El Planeta de los simios
  17. Gabbo

    Gah. Tech Help. Thanx.

    I was having exactly the same problem this morning. Myspace player and youtube were mute. All Just seemed to fix itself. Works fine now. Recommended course of action: do nothing.
  18. Gabbo

    Psych, foreign beats, soul grooves and general exotica thread

    Yeah, fuckin great thread. The Malos Pensamientos album is da bomb. That Mutant sounds blog has loadsa great stuff.
  19. Gabbo

    Animal Collective

    My mate has got a serious horn for AC, and wants to go to their two dates in Portugal. Lux Fragil, Lisbon on the the 28th and Teatro Batalha, Porto on the 27th. Says he's cyberwebbed the venues to fuck, but can't get any info on tickets. I gave it a shot too but to no avail. Has anyone ever been...
  20. Gabbo

    Buzzy sounding amp.

    I have a mexican 72' custom tele and she buzzes up something fierce. But it may be that my amp is 33 years old.