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  • Users: Gabbo
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  1. Gabbo

    Do you regret doing what you did in college?

    This is me in 40 years with my star pupil.
  2. Gabbo

    I have the horn for...

    YouTube - SuperBad- These Eyes My favourite bit of that film.
  3. Gabbo

    The talking about Arsenal FC thread

    it was a load of
  4. Gabbo

    Do you regret doing what you did in college?

    From time to time, I wish from I'd picked something more practical. I study Spanish an French. Probably shouldn't have picked two Romance languages. But then again there's always teaching to fall back on. And teaching rocks.
  5. Gabbo

    Useless fact you learned today

    Female kangaroos have two vaginas. Males have a two pronger yoke. A lot of people seemed to know this. I did not.
  6. Gabbo

    Bored in Work 295

    Guiltless procrastination.
  7. Gabbo

    What records did you listen to today?

    Hlllyh- The Mae Shi The business, this is.
  8. Gabbo

    What documentary did you watch last night?

    Watched the entire thing. Have to admit I too felt guilty. Kept waiting for that Gene guy to jump. Pretty astounding stuff altogether though. Went on t'net to nerd up on it and they said that it was all kept hush-hush during production so people wouldn't go chucking themselves off to gt their 5...
  9. Gabbo

    FAI press conference - Live feed - Ireland Manager

    Take this opposition from now on.
  10. Gabbo

    Low €€ Restaurant Recommendations

    Yeah. I'm supposed to book dinner for me and the girlf tomorrow and have very little Gs. Anyone recommend a cheap and cheerful type place?
  11. Gabbo

    ____________ makes my skin crawl

    This cunt from the Eggheads Given the opportunity to kill him and get away with him, I'd probably do it. He's one we can do with out. He has his own website too. I vomited.
  12. Gabbo

    I'm a tool.

    I saw the Godfather for the first time last night. Really enjoyed it. So much so that I decided to watch the second this morning. However, I made the mistake of putting disc two in first. I spent an hour and 10 minutes desperately trying to piece together what was going on. Decided it was shite...
  13. Gabbo

    Lunch Recommendations in Town

    I'm not sure about the ingredients of the Pyazu.
  14. Gabbo

    Anyone headed for ATP in May?

    No. Made it lat two years. No job, no money, no ATP. And in Camber Sands too. Butlin's ha nice chalets, but that was it's only advantage. Hated the main venue. Bright indoor gigs are shit.
  15. Gabbo

    Best fry one can get in Dublin

    If you like your fry in roll form, that deli does breakfast rolls that are of supreme flavour. Cheap too.