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  1. mazzyianne

    Sea Dog Lp out 10th of May!!!!

    Oops.. no it's the other way round... Whatever, rumble is on!! Fight fight fight fight fight!baggyyyy!baggyyyy
  2. mazzyianne

    Sea Dog Lp out 10th of May!!!!

    He must have asked willie... Viper rock, it's viper rock!! Nearly made the same mistake on our poster til Josh saved the day.. There could be some serious inter-gang bust-ups over simple mix-ups like these :D
  3. mazzyianne

    Summer Bay Punx

    Eric totally reads this shit, he just keeps it quiet!ninjaaaa. Ella, no way. She cant even work e-mail most of the time :) I miss them guyz already :(
  4. mazzyianne

    film: "ROLL UP YOUR SLEEVES: The DIY Counterculture" trailer

    Looks deadly, nice one .|..|.|..|
  5. mazzyianne

    Most excellent chocolate brownie recipe

    This is gonna sound kinda weird but.. My housemate doesn't eat wheat (sometimes :)) and is vegan and she got this mad recipie for wheat free, sugar free, vegan uncooked brownies and they're actually nice! It's really simple - dates, (soaked a bit), walnuts, cocoa, and a bit of vanilla extract...
  6. mazzyianne

    Truck/Party Weirdo/ Zing/Clodagh Kerley, Sat 12th April, Lower Deck (RAG Benefit)

    This weekend! There'll be cake .|..| (Holly=legend)
  7. mazzyianne

    Truck/Party Weirdo/ Zing/Clodagh Kerley, Sat 12th April, Lower Deck (RAG Benefit)

    This weekend! And there'll be cake .|..|
  8. mazzyianne

    The Devil On 45 Zine - Issue 3 Out Now!

    I love the prison blues article, if you listen and read at the same time you can follow all the stories of the songs - deadly .|..| Better buy my own copy :)
  9. mazzyianne

    night shifts

    I work nights, just nights tho not shift work, and it's ok. I've been doing it for over a year and surviving fine. My body clock seems to just sort itself out when my days off happen. (Sometimes I dont feel fully with it at any time of the day or night though..) I'd say it's an individual thing...
  10. mazzyianne

    is my dog too old to be a dad?

    Just throwing in some support for daisy coz it doesn't seem like there's enough. Lots of people saying 'ah it's just one litter' = lots of litters. disclaimer: this is not an attack on Lala
  11. mazzyianne

    Learning to drive in town

    Whatever happens dont use Irish school of motoring, they fuckin suck. ps If you need some spare L plates I have some lying around - coughpassedmytest!cough
  12. mazzyianne

    Loserdom #17 out now

    .|..| Deadly! Any word from Microcosm about the zine yearbook thing?
  13. mazzyianne

    Guerrilla Girls On Tour, February 25th

    Guerrilla Girls On Tour, Inc.,, is a touring theatre collective founded by three former members of the Guerrilla Girls. GGOT develops new and original plays, performances and workshops, street theatre actions and residency programs that dramatize women’s history and...
  14. mazzyianne

    'Torture is us'Dublin Premiere - Fri 22nd

    Got the lowdown on that torture thing, there's people who volunteer to be tortured apparently...
  15. mazzyianne

    'Torture is us'Dublin Premiere - Fri 22nd

    The question is, is that picture of scooter in a suit real? Hair brushed an all.. I hope I can make this, sounds mental. I'm working though, reckon it will start at 8? I'd to leave round 9.45
  16. mazzyianne

    East Africa

    Three months! Are we mental? Yeah I've been checking out the lonely panet (cheers oly!) advice about that, might look up some websites 2nite seeing as I'm stuck in work. There does seem to be cheap options but the cheapest way seems to be to show up and see if there's cancellations and/or...
  17. mazzyianne

    Postal rip off?

    Grrr, so true. I nearly had to kill someone in the GPO one day when I was trying to send magazines to the states. I explained that they were going book post (which is pretty reasonable pricewise). He told me all the rules of book post and went on for ages about the weight and making holes in the...
  18. mazzyianne

    'Torture is us'Dublin Premiere - Fri 22nd

    Scooter? From Cork?
  19. mazzyianne

    East Africa

    We booked them today (provisionaly anyway), did get pretty good deal, 700 each to fly into Kampala and out of Dar es Saalam with Ethiopian airlines. It does stop randomly in Rome (making it 3 stops) along the way but for such a short time it doesn't seem like we'd have to get off the plane or...
  20. mazzyianne

    congratulations, mrs. and mr. jane!

    Congrats!!! Looks like it was deadly, sorry I missed it. Ya look only gorgeous! .|..|.|..|.|..|.|..|.|..|