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  • Users: mamul
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  1. mamul

    Shit Books

    prisoners do. spoiled rotten.
  2. mamul

    Euro-rocker (+ more)

    sounds woeful, but best of luck anyways!
  3. mamul

    The Wire - s05e10 - Finale - Spoilers

    i love Bomani Jones analysis of the wire. anyone else read it? he's gas. good analysis too
  4. mamul

    App for converting rm to mp3/aiff/wav

    anyone got an app for converting something from this shitty format into something my ipod can play? can't find any on the warez boards and just demos on google
  5. mamul

    The Bus Is Empty, You Get On Board

    give me posh kids anyday. at least you can tell them to shut the fuck up without risking your life or good looks. i wish i had more balls. only once told someone to stop smoking and that was because he was a wimpy looking 15 year old. he threw his joint out the window and his bird started giving...
  6. mamul

    The Bus Is Empty, You Get On Board

    anyone here have to get the 27 bus? always the risk when you venture upstairs that you might have to breathe in some heroin. most days theres a couple of traveller kids down the back chasing the dragon or at least blazing a doob. a few weeks back they procured the sale of 20 yellows and 30...
  7. mamul

    What podcasts do you subscribe to?

    cheers dude. downloading it now.
  8. mamul

    What podcasts do you subscribe to? its well good.
  9. mamul

    What podcasts do you subscribe to?

    been listening to the sound of young america and this american life for the last few days thanks to you. cheers for the heads up! good tsoya with bunk and bubbs and another with george pelecanos for fans of the wire. jesse is a really good interviewer. i was shocked to see how young he is. i...
  10. mamul

    car boot sale score

    got one of these yokes at a garage sale a few years ago anyone wanna buy it? has all the gels and parts and shit according to this geeks site only two are known to exist.
  11. mamul

    The Wire - s05e10 - Finale - Spoilers

    true. maybe they should play the angelus over it.
  12. mamul

    The Wire - s05e10 - Finale - Spoilers

    haven't checked it yet. i'm sure there will be some differences, that long montage mid way will be different i'd say. soundtracked anyway. few other things that i can't remember now
  13. mamul

    George Saunders Appreciation Thread

    good interview here from last year, the following weeks show is an extract from the brainddead megaphone i do believe.
  14. mamul

    The Wire - s05e10 - Finale - Spoilers

    him and omar should have just cranked dat in the shop that time, instead of all this blam blam nonsense. increase the beats stop da violence
  15. mamul

    The Wire - s05e10 - Finale - Spoilers

    it was the ghost of Bodie.
  16. mamul

    The Wire - s05e10 - Finale - Spoilers

    haha, yeah. i wonder if marlo hyland said the game. or re-up.
  17. mamul

    The Wire - s05e10 - Finale - Spoilers

    shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, that was some episode. so much happened. marlo's fucked, but he doesn't care. that scene was amazing, him on the corner, just after dodging a bullet, on a fuckin bone because he's back in the mix. mike as the new omar. dookie the new bubbs. levy...
  18. mamul

    illustrator cs3 query

    thanks dude, i already knew to do that but i just thought there might be some way to remove the stroke and keep the path. that should be fine tho.
  19. mamul

    The What i Shit Today Thread

  20. mamul

    illustrator cs3 query

    maybe this is a dumb question but is it possible to remove the stroke from one path of an object while keeping the rest? like if i have a square can i keep the stroke on three sides? i thought i could use the pathfinder to work around this but it removes the stroke completely. anyone? i bet...