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  1. sweetoblivion

    Sweet Oblivion on RTE 2XM

    thanks! I can but try my best ;)
  2. sweetoblivion

    Sweet Oblivion on RTE 2XM

    thanks dudes!! :)
  3. sweetoblivion

    Sweet Oblivion on RTE 2XM

    Hey Thumpeders...some of ye might remember that back in the day I had a show called Sweet Oblivion on Cork Campus Radio. It ran for a few years and then when I finished up in UCC I did the show for a year in Galway. That was back in 2006 and now I'm delighted to say that Sweet Oblivion is back...
  4. sweetoblivion

    Thumped Christmas Party 2009

    whoop! last year's was pretty damn savage. need to make up for my crap djing though. this year's party needs lots of cakes....cake off!!
  5. sweetoblivion

    Losing Weight

    Vinnie = God?
  6. sweetoblivion

    Losing Weight

    Weigh your pasta, rice etc - you'd be surprised how much you're eating; a restaurant-sized bowl of pasta is about 4 times as much as you should eat. If you're trying to lose weight, try no more than 40-50gs of dried rice and 30-60g of pasta. Or make twice that amount and bring half for lunch the...
  7. sweetoblivion

    Losing Weight

    Write down everything you eat-I know it sounds mental but seeing what you're eating, and how much of it, shows you what you need to start cutting down on and what you need to eat more of. I found it really helpful. A site like is a way of tracking your food and working out the...
  8. sweetoblivion

    The What I Ate Today Thread

    porridge is a daycent brekkie alright! had my usual porridge this morning, and an apple, and a chickpea burger for lunch that I made last night, it was very dry so I had lots of sweet chilli sauce and lots of lettuce to wrap it in. Wagamama's tonight, veggie katsu curry I am looking at YOU. Oh...
  9. sweetoblivion

    Benoit Pioulard

    Do go listen to the rest of it, it's awesome seriously! You'll love it! It's not all like 'Triggering Back' too, the opening song is all layers of guitar, very white noise-y. 'Triggering Back' is my ringtone, how 2006 is that! :p
  10. sweetoblivion

    Benoit Pioulard

    WHAT I must interrogate, er I mean chat to Ciaran about that after. His stuff is on Kranky, that track's from 'Précis', and then there's 'Temper' too. And he has other releases like a collaboration with Praveen and some 7" releases. And he's toured with Windy & Carl. I've probably listened to...
  11. sweetoblivion

    Benoit Pioulard

    He's touring Europe in November...who wants to kidnap him and bring him here? I :heart: his stuff.
  12. sweetoblivion

    The What I Ate Today Thread

    very creative wheels! Porridge & seeds for brekkie a banana and now craving a baked potato for lunch. With sundried tomatoes. And pesto.
  13. sweetoblivion


    :) The gig was amazing - it was more of an 'experience' than a gig, probably the best way to listen to ambient music ever! I kept nearly nodding off, it was that relaxing! The Barbican was such cool building. Such a dose about Omar S but many drunken shapes were thrown nonetheless.
  14. sweetoblivion

    Colorado boy floats away in balloon

    that is actual genius
  15. sweetoblivion

    Colorado boy floats away in balloon
  16. sweetoblivion

    The What I Ate Today Thread

    I sprinkle around a teaspoon on it, my porridge must look disgusting to my colleagues...! I also use it to make raw vegan truffles, which are delicious. Breakfast - same as yesterday ginger oat biscuit and a sml sq of dark choc lunch - cold pasta , pesto & veg left over from last night plus...
  17. sweetoblivion

    convert pro tools .ptf to .mp3 help!

    I actually am the queen of pointless, embarrassing threads. apologies...
  18. sweetoblivion

    convert pro tools .ptf to .mp3 help!

    aaah ffs. I just found a wav version of it that I had NO idea I had. I am an actual fail - thanks so much for your help!! i just wasted an entire evening on this, typical!! :(
  19. sweetoblivion

    convert pro tools .ptf to .mp3 help!

    Ok cool. I recorded it on this laptop a few weeks ago, but burned the session to a disc and now that I think about it, the ptf I have on the desktop prob comes from that disc, so no wonder there's no folder. But surely when I saved it. it would have saved to a pro tools folder...I just can't...
  20. sweetoblivion

    convert pro tools .ptf to .mp3 help!

    Ah ok that makes more sense! I'll look for that now. Thanks should that folder be on the desktop? the ptf is there, but there's no folder with the file name on it and anything else in it