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  1. Gambra


    I'm just imagining going to Tenterhooks as a 15/16 year old (sorry if you're not that young i_break_stuff_alot) and it'd seem pretty intimidating. Don't worry though, everyones lovely. Especially the big hairy lad who pretends to be a bouncer.
  2. Gambra

    Meeting People

    See I would agree with doing something like that but this is a Tinder date so I've never met them in person before. Not going to arrange something where we're stuck together all day in that case.
  3. Gambra

    Meeting People

    So where's good for a first date in Dublin? Don't want to just go for a pub, maybe a coffe place that won't kick you out after a half hour?
  4. Gambra

    Help me with Netflix

    Yeah something like a Roku would be by far the easiest thing for you, just get the box and it will plug straight into the TV and should have Netflix preinstalled. Sign up for Netflix on the website then log in on the box, job done. Chromecast is cheaper but you still need to run Netflix off a...
  5. Gambra

    Up coming gigs 2014 ,for gary and other non facebookers!

    How do I get to Tenterhooks? Is it obvious from Newmarket Sq? Gonna miss the Crows gig tonight but want to make it to the Rats Blood one tomorrow. So many fucking gigs on over the next week though and almost all are record release shows. 12/12 - Crows, Overbite, New Gods, Seizure, Obstacle -...
  6. Gambra

    Best Gig/Album/Song of 2014

    As for my own tops of the year best gig had to be The Necks in Christchurch, I can't really remember much beyond that though.. Best album is Swans - To Be Kind tho since so many have said it already I'm gonna say A Sunny Day In Glasgow - Sea When Absent. Played that album so many times. There...
  7. Gambra

    Best Gig/Album/Song of 2014

    The S/T album would make my top 5 except it's not technically out til the middle of January 2015. It is out there though.
  8. Gambra

    I have the horn for...

    That photo has a really wonky perspective. Her arm looks massive.
  9. Gambra

    Water Charges

    Yeah absolutely, the only somewhat dodgy section was that Baggot St/Kildare St junction. It was being surrounded mainly by Eirigi heads and they're the ones who threw water bottles at the gardai. Even then, when that's the worst thing to happen it's not that bad at all. The turnout was amazing...
  10. Gambra

    Water Charges

    As for total crowds I'd say it was 50/60k. Def not 100k like Right2Water were saying but also def not 20k like the Gardai and RTE were reporting, it was too packed to be that low. The fracturing of the crowds didn't help the "mass" of it.
  11. Gambra

    Water Charges

    I was there all day, I dunno who chose the location (either Right2Water or the Gardai) but they clearly didn't expect the amount of people that turned up. The main channel was two sides of Merrion Square that got jammed by like 1:15pm. There was a huge march that came from the Garden of...
  12. Gambra

    I miss washingcattle

    It was an over & back for a few years. I remember Janer being involved in the final incidents that led jane to leave though.
  13. Gambra

    Films of the year

    In no particular order right now. Might fix it up into a top 10. Leviathan (the Russian one) Nightcrawler Only Lovers Left Alive Grand Budapest Hotel The Double The Immigrant Boyhood Maps To The Stars Listen Up Philip Ida (though I saw it in 2013) Adieu au Language Whiplash Birdman Guardians of...
  14. Gambra

    I miss washingcattle

    This is the softest drama ever to rock Thumped. Long gone are the days of Janer chasing Jane off the board over abortions.
  15. Gambra

    I have the horn for...

    Vastly underrated BBC chef Rachel Khoo.
  16. Gambra

    Mobile broadband

    There's no way you should be using Netflix or any other streaming video on mobile broadband, it just eats up data. 1gb for a full TV show is about right. 7.5gb is high for PAYG but you could use that up just browsing/watchng youtubes etc.
  17. Gambra

    Can a decent Smartphone replace my PC?

    As your main unit a phone will run into problems eventually, you won't be able to download anything easily and as the others have said typings a pain. I had the Three 20 quid unlimited data package for ages, utter rubbish signal down at my parents who live just outside Limerick city. It's even...
  18. Gambra

    NFL 2014 Season

    Teams that are following the ball are generally more concered about where the players in front of them are, they can't look up to follow the ball as they'll get creamed by someone running full pelt toward them. Still a great play. Though play of 2014 so far has to be this Demarcus Ware sack...