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  1. Lord Damian

    i'm afeared of going home ...

    one of our cats has been catching/playing with/killing a mouse per day over the last couple of weeks...they must have decided to come indoors due to the cold snap we're having over here....i just usually find em dead in the hallway, pick em up by the tail (using a tissue) and toss them in the...
  2. Lord Damian


    that's enough of this stuff
  3. Lord Damian

    FAO mark

    you of all people should appreciate this
  4. Lord Damian


  5. Lord Damian

    Are you smarter than a 10 year old?

    smartass kids can fuck off. i'm gonna youtube Yo La Tengo instead.
  6. Lord Damian

    Are you smarter than a 10 year old?

    haha - "this might be a stupid question"...followed by a statement. i couldn't watch the whole thing.
  7. Lord Damian


    Molina on drums, Ben Keith on pedal steel, lap steel and rhythm guitar, and Rick Rosas on bass. Pegi Young (who opened) and her lead guitarist were on backing vox duties...bit of a Frankenstein band. still great, very Crazy Horsey.
  8. Lord Damian


    here's a few of them, out of order: Acoustic - From Hank to Hendrix Old Man a Man needs a Maid Ambulance Blues (crowd went batshit when he hit the verse that mentioned Toronto...) Journey Thru the Past Harvest Mellow My Mind! Cowgirl in the Sand Electric- Loner Dirty Old Man Everybody Knows...
  9. Lord Damian


    yeah, he had one.
  10. Lord Damian


    well...last night was quite literally transcendental. there is no reason for anybody to ever again make music, Neil has it covered.
  11. Lord Damian

    Madonnas daughter

    listen smartass...
  12. Lord Damian

    73% of all the Irish on Facebook are female

    it sure is a brave new world...indirect breakups through the internet...that's hot.
  13. Lord Damian

    I need props.

    and David Johannson (sp?) on the left...?
  14. Lord Damian

    Madonnas daughter

    mammy always said if you can't say something nice about someone, say nothing at all. i can't believe how much like madonna she looks. it's actually a bit freaky.
  15. Lord Damian

    What movie did you watch last night?

    i meant more like what is he known for thematically/visually/etc. As i said i thought Rescue Dawn was ok but maybe i'm just not looking at it from the right angle, ya know?
  16. Lord Damian

    worksafe thumped

    i've run through them all, am blocked at work again. day off today, posting from home. luxury.
  17. Lord Damian

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Rescue Dawn, that new Herzog movie. got it cuz i read a review saying Bale was brilliant as ever and Steve Zahn's performance was "haunting". was ok i guess...maybe a second watch is in order. not ultra-familiar with Herzog's stuff...what's he known for aside from being a bit of a...
  18. Lord Damian

    bassist seeks out band

    yeah, you should sort that shit out Eric.
  19. Lord Damian

    Franch raiways hit by striking saboteurs

    Sabotage was invented by the French. The lazy bastards.
  20. Lord Damian

    The best American band of all time.

    well if it doesn't have to be a band i'm voting for the Declaration of Independence.