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  1. R

    Food Not Bombs -- Galway

    what does 'obnoxious' mean? sounds like a very intelligent word. like tranquillisers. obnoxious tranquillisers. does this make sense?
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    Urban Capture The Flag

    i have an idea. since the weather is mostly not bad at these times, why not play some urban games? i loved to play ctf in woods, but urban ctf seems like a damn good fun too (for an idea what this would be like: so, what we would need is people. how...
  3. R

    Food Not Bombs -- Galway

    hi. so, food not bombs in galway now every week, sunday, 2pm, in the shopping street (although place might change later - we've been pigged in the eyre square last week, if we'll get pigged here again, we'll have to change place) just by the aib bank (on that crossroad, where is o2 store). come...
  4. R

    hey there folks, some galway questions if you can help

    about ideas: fuck representing ideas. they are not carved into stone. do you just take idea and use it (consume it)? i feel like i'm involved in it, so i can extend it, corelate it's direction and meaning. do you have the idea, or does the idea have you (who said that?)? anyway, at one point i...
  5. R

    hey there folks, some galway questions if you can help

    Are you suggesting me, that food not bombs (or crimethinc??) is not working properly in Ireland, so I should learn from your experience and give it up? Correct me if I'm wrong. I see you didn't understand my point about each other houses, but I don't understand what You are saying here either...
  6. R

    hey there folks, some galway questions if you can help

    What people, that had their experiences and discussions are you talking about? People that use to hang out here? Well, they sure must have known what is crimethinc long time ago, at least i hope so. But Food Not Bombs IS NOT orientated to ones that are already read all this stuff, i mean, if we...
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    thanks. all the info will be at . also, email [email protected] . you can check some photos on indymedia:
  8. R

    hey there folks, some galway questions if you can help

    well, if anyone sees a problem in putting up crimethinc stuff at fnb stall, i have a suggestion: do it fucking yourself and put whatever shit you want on the table. fair?
  9. R


    Good day. To answer the question, it went not too bad at all. We started cooking at ~2.15pm and started packing up at ~5.20pm. Nobody counted how many pancakes we gave away exactly, but approximately it would be a lot;). Of course, there were minor problems - we didn't expect that the cookers we...
  10. R

    Veggie/Vegan Punks where do you stand on abortion?

    Neither pro-life (what a smart name, eh? that makes the other ones pro-death/anti-life ;)), nor pro-choice (again, smart. what this makes the opposition?) are right - i think it's conformistic to be on one side or another. my position - let's find problems that create the need for abortions and...
  11. R

    hey there folks, some galway questions if you can help

    and this is better than any zine. degenerados alcoholicos.
  12. R

    hey there folks, some galway questions if you can help

    good. i've heard stories about one guy in lithuania, he was a medicine student and he did this little experiment - lived only on vodka for 2 months. people say he never ate or drink anything but vodka. not much, of course, responsibly. 200g for breakfast, 200g for lunch etc. and well, he...
  13. R

    hey there folks, some galway questions if you can help

    never never never what? drink or never never stop drinking:)?
  14. R

    hey there folks, some galway questions if you can help

    which part made you to sound so desperate? "reprinted" or "crimethinc"?
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    Let me repeat myself - this Sunday, 2pm in the Eyre Square, you are welcome to come and enjoy some vegan pancakes with few optional vegan fruit fillings. Hopefully, there will also be some nice fruit salad and home-made lemonade ( <-- u.s.a. description :))...
  16. R

    hey there folks, some galway questions if you can help

    yea, food not bombs stuff. coming this sunday, 13th of may, in the eyre square, at 2pm (come earlier if you want to help to set everything up). soup of the day - vegan pancakes. we'll have some reprinted crimethinc zines (10 copies each, please share!) - "wasted indeed" (this one will tell you...
  17. R

    FREE YUMMY PANCAKES!!! - Food Not Bombs Galway

    oh, well, there'll be more. next time, man, no worries. but if you want to have some noise spread among the masses, drop me a line to my email.
  18. R

    FREE YUMMY PANCAKES!!! - Food Not Bombs Galway

    Hey there! So, this Sunday (13th of May) at 2pm in the Eyre Square come to have some ass-kicking-revolutionary-yummy free pancakes! Also, take your reading glasses, for there'll be something to read -- i'm going to reprint some classical zines, like Harbringer, Fighting For Our Lives (crimethinc...
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    the worst tattoos ever

    hey, now that's a good thread! dudes, i have an old dream - getting a d.i.y. tatoo of this famous russian cartoon character on a shoulder or leg. any butcher in galway wants to have a little practice? i could even pay some moneys...
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    FOOD NOT BOMBS -- Galway

    so, yeah, it happened. everything went smoothly, all the soup (~70 portions) was gone in 45mins. cool. lots of good vibes from all the people:). anyway, we hadn't prepared much information of what the hell is this exactly, so, i guess, some people ate their soup without having any clue why this...