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  1. T

    New 50's Rock & Roll Club - thur 24th feb

    50's stuff you say? You'd think I might have an interest in that... Not a chance.
  2. T

    FRED Album Launch

    Perhaps with Firefox it does. I've noticed that happening with a few sites. Edit: Yes indeed it does loop with firefox.
  3. T

    How vague is this!!

    Vague indeed. I completely ignore all such reports these days. You know there'll be another report out next week telling you said food dye gives you super-human powers and you should try consuming half your body weight in it every day.
  4. T

    Gong Farmer on The Afternoon Show

    That really camp guy Trevor Keegan that does the celebrity gossip slot on The Afternoon Show on RTE1 is Gong Farmer right? Bad photo but he defo looks like billy on telly anyway.
  5. T

    Album Cover Iconography.

    Getting back to Millie. Here are some more of her album titles that may hint at an explanation to that cover photo. These could also have been alternate titles: Hurts So Good (Spring 1973), Caught Up (Spring 1974), Still Caught Up (Spring 1975), Get It Out 'Cha System (Spring 1978), A Moment's...
  6. T

    Album Cover Iconography.

    Like I said it was a mystery. I'm guessing it took him somewhere around a minute or 2 for his final floor dumpage.
  7. T

    What would you do..?

    Best thing ever to get rid of knackers: If they're within throwing distance of your house get some of those insanely loud bangers you can get at Halloween. If you can throw them into the bushes behind where they are without them seeing where it came from it'll frighten the living shit out them...
  8. T

    Album Cover Iconography.

    Hmmmn, 14 years ago you say? Christian Brothers school Swords you say? About 2 years ago we had a Phantom Dumper attack in work. Some quite pleasant individual was leaving nice steaming turds in the middle of the floor of the toilets. Likewise with equally pissed off cleaning staff. Never...
  9. T

    Album Cover Iconography.

    Ok. Best buds. Also, I like gay people, in fact Hag we could be really close best buds if you like.;)
  10. T

    Album Cover Iconography.

    Nope. Just don't post here very much. I have other things to be doing you see...
  11. T

    Album Cover Iconography.

    Could that possibly be cos I was slagging you last time I was posting here? Don't be sorry Hag - it's ok, I like you now.* *No I don't
  12. T

    Album Cover Iconography.

    Hey avernus. I think you should remove the 'VER' from your name. A much more suitable title.* *I love you really.* *No I don't.
  13. T

    Album Cover Iconography.

    I think you have something with the anal shoe-horn thing. You know that joke that goes: Did you hear about the constipated mathematician? He worked it out with a pencil. Well I'm thinking that Millie ain't no mathematician...
  14. T

    Album Cover Iconography.

    Ah you're both classy ladies Jane. I just hope you're classy in a whole different way.
  15. T

    FRED Album Launch

    I thought I told you to go change your name. I still ain't buying nuthin from a band called 'F!bog R!bog E!bog D'. Amen.
  16. T

    Album Cover Iconography.

    Now that's what I call a classy lady.
  17. T

    Death to veryslowey

  18. T

    Death to veryslowey

    Had it on file when I used it as my avatar before. Er I mean, eh... forget that.
  19. T

    Lou Barlow - Emoh

    Exactly what Dudley said.
  20. T

    (.)(.) Thats a Big Truncheon!! ( )( )

    How is that homophobic? I don't spend all day every day here so I don't know if you are male or female or if skidstainz is male/female. You could also both be quite happily gay.;)