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  1. Psycho Punk

    What movie did you watch last night?

    They're really spies communicating with each other.
  2. Psycho Punk

    What movie did you watch last night?

    The Day the Earth Stood Still, 2008 version, first time I saw it. No classic but worth seeing. Once again Keanu Reeves gives a performance worthy of Olivier.
  3. Psycho Punk

    What movie did you watch last night?

    I liked it, flawed but worth seeing. A lot will be explained in the sequel or prequel.
  4. Psycho Punk

    What movie did you watch last night?

    I thought it made sense and the time travel paradoxes worked out well. If I had a time machine I'd go back to 1920 and organise the Black n' Tans to make a proper job of burning Cork.
  5. Psycho Punk

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Looper. Excellent! It lived up to the hype. Truly a great SF film. The writer actually understood time travel and potential paradoxes. How did Hollywood allow it to be made without ruining it?
  6. Psycho Punk

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Looking forward to it. "Looper" Review: A Once In A Generation Sci-Fi Masterpiece Lucas Siegel, Newsarama Site Editor Date: 28 September 2012 Time: 10:38 AM ET Every once in awhile, be it in a novel, a TV show, a short story...
  7. Psycho Punk

    What movie did you watch last night?

    It is, the girl has suffered the loss of a parent and early on in the film a boy she is babysitting dies. I'm really not sure as to whether or not its supernatural.
  8. Psycho Punk

    What movie did you watch last night?

    In the Dark Half. Horror film, mostly psychological. Is it supernatural horror?Maybe. Its a modern Wiccan tale of effects of Paganism on 2 families in an estate on the edge of the countryside. Many bunnies may have died in the making of this film. See it.
  9. Psycho Punk

    What movie did you watch last night?

    I thought the monsters were good but overall it was disappointing. Too much paddywhackery imho.
  10. Psycho Punk

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Saw The Dark Knight Rises. Enjoyable. Thought it was going to be worse.
  11. Psycho Punk

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Jo Nesbos Jackpot. Good black comedy about 4 guys winning on the football pools, based on a Jo Nesbo novel. Things turn nasty as they fallout. Much chopping and shredding of bodies. Stupid rural cops just as in Headhunters ( also by Nesbo). Many twists and turns plus a taste of The Usual...
  12. Psycho Punk

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Something from Nothing: The Art of Rap. A bit self indulgent on the part of Ice-T. Would have been a better film if hadn't co-directed. A cast of thousands of rappers, each get a few questions, though they were very likely interviewed for hours. If Ice-T hadn't been co-director maybe other parts...
  13. Psycho Punk

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Great, Great, Great film. Love the theme tune.
  14. Psycho Punk

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Thought it was great as well. McConaughey was incredible. What a wonderful psychotic killer! And a great trailer trash family.
  15. Psycho Punk

    What movie did you watch last night?

    The Hunter. Great performance by Willem Dafoe as the eponymous hunter who is hired to track down the last Tasmanian Tiger. But nothings that easy, you get hippies, eco-warriors, lumberjacks, a jealous farmer, a traumatised widow, cute kids and a jealous farmer. Plus beautiful countryside but...
  16. Psycho Punk

    What movie did you watch last night?

    So bad, its good?
  17. Psycho Punk

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Don't forget The Big Bus, pre Airplane disaster spoof movie. So bad its good.
  18. Psycho Punk

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Try this one. Japan unveils 'personal assistant' robots Thu, Jul 29, 2010 Robots that can chat, find misplaced glasses, draw aeroplanes and play with your children are attracting thousands of visitors during an expo in...
  19. Psycho Punk

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Saw Cosmoplolis. Interesting film, its got a feel of some of Cronenbergs SF stuff. The actors declaimed their lines in a Shakesperian style but the form was more Becketian and not just because we were waiting for something to happen. Could have done with some editing, theres one scene where a...
  20. Psycho Punk

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. Pretty good. 3D a bit dodgy at start but smartened up, didn't have the option of 2D. Fights well choreographed, good effects and these Vampires go about in the daylight but mostly wear shades. The Vampire tale fitted neatly enough around Lincolns real life history.