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  1. Unicron


  2. M


    yeah, much worse day for them than the tories.
  3. xsteox


    Bad look for Snp in this prediction
  4. xsteox


    Just looking at the projections on sky news. Not far off
  5. M


    Predictions for the number of seats the Tories win? I say 137.
  6. S

    Fairweather Sports Tourist Thread

    Andy Murray is grand and all, but this shite coverage can fuck right off. The man's not dead like. Posh English crowds are so bad at atmosphere.
  7. Anthony

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    is sneezing cancelled now? Honestly, you can't expel anything these days.
  8. pete

    Space is the Place

    Could do without the hootin and hollering, but fuck yeah science
  9. G

    New music for 2024

  10. N

    Tour de France 2007 thread

    Today Sam lost his lead out man completely and didn't bother starting his sprint. The day Girmay won Sam got a great lead out and finished 9th was it?
  11. pete

    Meeting People
  12. MacDara


    Wordle 1,111 4/6 🟨⬛⬛🟨⬛ ⬛⬛🟨🟨⬛ 🟩🟩⬛🟨⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  13. M

    Jaysus cycling!

    TUS limerick have put in an application for a velodrome; though it appears to have been sent back as incomplete.
  14. ann post

    Fairweather Sports Tourist Thread

    For the olympics i'll be looking at the velodrome ladies, maybe some boats and the surfing.
  15. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!
  16. rettucs

    Tour de France 2007 thread

    Sam is so far off the pace at the moment. I had higher hopes for him for a stage this tour but he's not in the mix at all. 25th place in as clear-cut a sprint finish you'll ever see in a stage. Disappointing.
  17. JohnnyRaz


    paging @Deadmanposting
  18. pete

    Your Health Is Your Wealth
  19. M


    pencil and paper; less worry about smudging wet ink or it transferring to other parts of the paper if folded. also apparently to prevent worries about disappearing ink!
  20. S


    /critique of Englandness: The plebs can't be trusted to make a considered decision. The plebs who count the votes can't be trusted with anything other than the simplest task. The betters make the real decisions. Many of the plebs seem indoctrinated or quite happy with this arrangement. They...