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  1. MacDara


    Wordle 1,111 4/6 🟨⬛⬛🟨⬛ ⬛⬛🟨🟨⬛ 🟩🟩⬛🟨⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  2. M

    Jaysus cycling!

    TUS limerick have put in an application for a velodrome; though it appears to have been sent back as incomplete.
  3. ann post

    Fairweather Sports Tourist Thread

    For the olympics i'll be looking at the velodrome ladies, maybe some boats and the surfing.
  4. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!
  5. rettucs

    Tour de France 2007 thread

    Sam is so far off the pace at the moment. I had higher hopes for him for a stage this tour but he's not in the mix at all. 25th place in as clear-cut a sprint finish you'll ever see in a stage. Disappointing.
  6. JohnnyRaz


    paging @Deadmanposting
  7. pete

    Your Health Is Your Wealth
  8. M


    pencil and paper; less worry about smudging wet ink or it transferring to other parts of the paper if folded. also apparently to prevent worries about disappearing ink!
  9. S


    /critique of Englandness: The plebs can't be trusted to make a considered decision. The plebs who count the votes can't be trusted with anything other than the simplest task. The betters make the real decisions. Many of the plebs seem indoctrinated or quite happy with this arrangement. They...
  10. JohnnyRaz


    it's only saving grace is that the counts come in quickly. but it's a silly, archaic system really.
  11. S


    A single "X" in the box of your choice, no other markings allowed. I appreciate the simplicity, but it's a rubbish system.
  12. JohnnyRaz


    is it still pen and paper in the UK, or is there some automated or digital tomfoolery?
  13. S


    As I was walking to the polling station, four Apache helicopters flew overhead. Chinooks are pretty much a daily occurrence, but Apaches are rare. And I've never seen four at the same time. Today of all days, funny that. I voted for a no hope candidate (within the FPTP system), but the...
  14. M

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    that should have been 'pickled' rather than 'picked' - but they're nice and peppery raw too.
  15. JohnnyRaz


    This is the recently complained about crackling amp - d on the g string gives a distinctly electrical as opposed to (purely) mechanical. I reckon I've either got a loose component or dying cap in there. it's reached the threshold of wanting to do something about it. while I do love the sound...
  16. M

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    i picked some nasturtium seeds last year, and they're really nice - kinda capery?
  17. egg_

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    I love fermented food We've fermented our own milk kefir for years, I have it on my muesli every morning. I love the sourness of it, but it's not a taste everyone likes - my eldest hates it. Not sure if it'd work for non-animal milk, but if it did then it might work for you @nuke terrorist -...
  18. JohnnyRaz

    Jaysus cycling!

    they are like the taxi drivers of the the cycling world. To be fair, its understandable given the amount of deliveries they have to make to make a living
  19. N

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    Just bought some pasta and quinoa neither of which I ate for ages. The woman in the health food shop was trying to make some other suggestions and it got hilarious. I had to tell her - - I don't cook with oils. - Only time I ever did was once in 1989. - I don't have a frying pan etc. - put...