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  • Users: Froog
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  1. Froog

    The Great Thumped Brain Drain

    facebook is good craic, chess, scrabble, photos, vids, etc. but i love forums, the anonymity, the raging arguments, the lols, etc. i hope they remain populat and relevant, they are the internet and where internet culture comes from. as for me, i'm definately more busy since christmas, less...
  2. Froog

    The Great Thumped Brain Drain

    the internet is fucking awesome.
  3. Froog

    New Joanna Newsom album

    meant to say, was it possible to get sexier since the last album, and she has judging by the latest pr shots.
  4. Froog

    Anyone speak German?

    "arbeit macht frei. scnitzel schnitzel schnitzel. tchus!"
  5. Froog

    New Joanna Newsom album

    had a first listen last night, some great songs, her voice seems to be a bit more "together" this time around. defo likeing the band instead of the orchestra feel. Less focus on the harp which i definately miss. so loving it so far, would've liked some more harp action. need to give it a good...
  6. Froog

    Comprehensive List Of Shit That's Fucked Up After The Upgrade

    i'm pinging like a bastard. just rerouted my jesop jesop jesop.
  7. Froog

    What does that mean?

    DO: post amusing and relevant pictures in reply to questionable comments head to eirecore for lively debate on leftist issues start a thread about defecating habits start a random useless poll make casual racist/sexist comments DONT: start a thread about...
  8. Froog

    Willie O'Dea

    thank christ. fucking embarrasment to the country. imagine if he was given health or something??
  9. Froog

    GGI LOGO competition

    how about a clever pictorial representation?
  10. Froog

    Playoff for the fourth CL spot?

    brilliant idea, more variety in the CL, fuck the big four.
  11. Froog

    It's very quiet lately...

    more of this.
  12. Froog

    It's very quiet lately...

    just looking at the most recent threads pages, it 90% ads for gigs and things, no lol threads or fight threads or troll threads. like i pop in here throughout the day, but fuck all is happening so i fuck off back to the wider web. just sayin. lol cunts.
  13. Froog

    Head shop fire on Capel St

  14. Froog

    this new look is crap

    punks need to build a bridge and get over it.
  15. Froog

    animated gif thread

    ha ha, great stuff
  16. Froog

    Head shop fire on Capel St

    i can never resist an aul grope after meow meow.
  17. Froog

    Head shop fire on Capel St

    the head shop? no way, i'm running down there right now, might catch a few salvia fumes if i'm lucky.
  18. Froog

    Head shop fire on Capel St

    fire in capel street big one by the looks of it, anyone near there?
  19. Froog

    George Lee has resigned

    regardless of the george debacle, kenny is a useless plank and needs to be put out to pasture. richard bruton would be a welcome change, he could hardly be anymore useless anyway.