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  1. pad

    Paul Clancy (Clancy / National Prayer Breakfast) Passes Away

    Re: National Prayer Breakfast, 46 Long, Stoat God! That's terrible! He was such a lovely guy. 34! That's awful.
  2. pad


    Koko, tell us more about yourself. Your interests, hobbies. THings like that. I take it you like cats. Do you like them whole, or diced?
  3. pad

    sellling your songs, sort of

    you can send your cd's to directors and producers and that'll be one step. you can also register your music with certain companies that provide content to films and ads. There are different rates depending on how well known you are. I think Getty actually have started doing it now and there's...
  4. pad

    I'm going to Japan in April

    I couldn't find bears. I went looking for it but couldn't find it anywhere. Osaka is a cool city though. The people were so nice. Isn't that place the one that closes early or else the Yakuza get pissed off? Japan was deadly. I stayed in K's hostel in kyoto, which was grand. And in tokyo we got...
  5. pad

    LCD Soundsystem

    Dear Ian, thank you for this. Pat.
  6. pad

    going back to college

    Yeah I could, but they don't do psychology part time as far as i can see. I could do psychotherapy part time though, so I might do that and then do psychology after.
  7. pad

    going back to college

    Ah right. I have a masters degree already. So this is going to be a particularly costly experience. Can I get any sort of grant in that case?
  8. pad

    going back to college

    Absolutely. I'm just wondering if you can take a loan here though. Everyone talks of grants and things like that so I guess I'm wondering a) if I can get a grant and if not then can I get a loan somewhere? Anyone know?
  9. pad

    going back to college

    Ok. I'm in a decent well paying job that I'm not particularly gone on anymore. It may sound like insanity, but I'd like to go back to college to study what I always wanted to study. Psychology. I've no savings and am wondering is it possible to do it? Financially speaking? I'd be a mature...
  10. pad

    Ballroom#95: Spook/ Mumblin' Deaf Ro/ Groom/ Owensie

    Did I miss this? Is the ballroom ending after 100? I mean it's understandable and all, but it'd be such a travesty!
  11. pad

    Haiti benefits

    I think Concern already have a base out there and the Goal representative was due to fly out yesterday as far as I recall. I've always been a fan of Goal myself, but they both do good work as far as I know.
  12. pad


    Can I be the first to express my bitter disappointment that I won't be there because I'll be at ATP. Hope it goes well though. Sounds like an amazing night.
  13. pad

    The best thing about Dublin

    that's a very small tranny hooker.
  14. pad

    What other tabs are open in your browser?

    Gmail Youtube Creative Ireland Processrecess Thumped Irish Times Guardian
  15. pad

    This Saturday (nov 21) Night Marchers (feat Speedo from Rocket From The Crypt) & Dan

    Re: This Saturday (nov 21) Night Marchers (feat Speedo from Rocket From The Crypt) & ah look. the back of my head.
  16. pad

    The best thing about Dublin

    I didn't know you could do this. Tell me more about it.
  17. pad

    The best thing about Dublin

    I love Dublin, right? But I'm trying to think of things I love about Dublin. Like what makes it so good. So far I can only think of things like Lemon (I love Lemon), cycling out to Howth on a nice Sunday to the Farmer's Market, walking around town, Asbestos' "lost" stickers, Pat Ingoldsby and...
  18. pad

    Places to post online singer wanted ad???

    What exactly is an online singer? Do you play all your gigs remotely through the interweb?
  19. pad

    Japan at New Years

    I'm flying into Tokyo on December 27th and leaving on the 8th. Any suggestions for what to do? Particularly for New Years.
  20. pad

    OFFSET2009 :: Over & Out!!

    It was deadly. fair play.