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  • Users: Reets
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  1. R

    Cancelling a flight.

    Has anyone cancelled a flight with arelingus before? If you have, did you need to give much notice to get some of the money back? Their website doesn't have much information.
  2. R

    Baby stuff

    Is there anywhere you can give in new baby stuff, a lot of it is electrical so second-hand shops are out of the question. Don't want to give them to people we know. I mean like places that take stuff for lone parents or people with no money etc.
  3. R


    I was sent a tonne of emails from thumped at 12.30 last night, they were updates for every thread I'd subscribed to, but I've never subscribed to any of them, just posted on the thread. Ok looks like I did subscribe to them cos they're in my user cp, but I didn't do anything to put them there...
  4. R

    Nice city center pub

    Looking for a decent pub for Friday. Meeting some old friends and I'm supposed to be organising things, but I'm having trouble thinking of somewhere with ok music and where we wont have to shout to be heard.
  5. R

    Communion parties

    Had to go to three of them over the weekend. One of the parents at Eve's school said she's booked a reception room for her son's one already (they're not making it till next year). Do people not do visits anymore?
  6. R

    The Hunt For Gollum Sorry if it's been posted already.
  7. R

    Red Dwarf

    Did anyone catch the new episode? It was ok, Cat looks a bit old for pvc and the story line wasn't up to much, it was nice to hear the phrase smeg head again though.
  8. R

    School question

    I'd an argument with a friend yesterday as she insisted that if I don't send Eve to a private secondary school, I'll be directly responsible for limiting what she'll be able to achieve in life. Is there a huge difference between public and fee paying secondary schools in Ireland? Personally I...
  9. R

    second hand furniture

    Does anyone happen to know of any good second hand furniture shops in Dublin? I'm looking for 1920/30s fireside chairs, the condition doesn't really matter as I'll reupholster it anyway.
  10. R

    A Song of Ice and Fire tv show

    Its fairly old news now but HBO are doing a pilot for George R. R. Martin's ice & fire series. does anyone know if they've started filming or anything yet? I'm guessing its going to be fairly censured as even HBO wouldn't be able to show half of the whoring involved, especially as so many of...
  11. R

    Do the IFI let kids in?

    I want to bring the sprog to see its a wonderful life, but i've only ever brought teenagers and not 6yr olds. I cant remember seeing kids there either, but it is a family movie. I've tried ringing them but there's no one there yet. She'll be heartbroken if we get there and they dont let her in.
  12. R

    freakin Dublin Bus!!

    God I hate the bus, it's getting worse and worse. Today, on the way into town I was stuck listen to a man tell his friends aBout a great film he saw the other day, people had locked themselves into a mall to escape zombies, american version of 28days. they found manor street's name hilarious...
  13. R

    whelans on fire?

    Was there a fire in whelans last night? parentos woke me up at about 2am, to say they'd all been evacuated cos there'd been a fire in the basement level. Anyone know if this happened cos i cant find anything on the net? hoping it was an alcohol fuled hallunication cos i'm looking forward to...
  14. R

    catholic guilt

    I was told today that unless the sprog goes to mass atleast every second sunday, she wont be allowed to make her communion next year. i never wanted her christened so it wouldnt bother me (except that it sorta feels like the priest is rejecting us. the dick) but she's really upset. she's a bit...
  15. R

    Is there anywhere that cuts car keys? the cheaper, the better

    My spare car keys were walled in and as i keep losing my only remaining key I really need an extra one. I rang the manufacturer a while ago and they said it'll cost over 200quid. Is there anywhere else that does car keys? Right now I'd rather knock down the wall then pay 200-300 for a new one.
  16. R

    The Jayhawks are playing soon!!!

    ok its not really the jayhawks, but Gary Louris and Mark Olson are playing in Whelans on the 24th and its about the closest you're likely to get to the Jayhawks. I really hope the play some sound of lies and smile. "all the right reasons and "i'm gonna make you...
  17. R

    the world is seriously fucked up.

    A 13 year old kid gets stoned to death because she was raped, horrific.
  18. R

    i'll never complain in a pub again! thats me off icecream for a while!
  19. R

    car insurance question

    if you've had a very small scrape with another car and paid for it to be fixed yourself do you need to tell the next company you go with? the other person let her company know, so mine found out too. i've told the one im still with that ive got a cheaper quote off someone else and they're saying...
  20. R

    the things people say.

    "why does canada have to have its own top model show, I think kinda its part of the U.S, why cant they?" a few mins later she was surprised to find out that hindsight wasn't a type of bean.