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  1. demonica

    melvins return to dublin sat may 5

    No flipper? Those melvins need to learn how to stay away a bit longer. Treat them mean etc.!
  2. demonica

    do 'emo kids' know what emo is?

    Yeah but it's harder to aim at a moving target.
  3. demonica

    do 'emo kids' know what emo is?

    Are we talking about a barrell that's just full to the brim with fish or a barrell with water in it and just a few fish?
  4. demonica

    Punk gigs during the Summer in Spain?

    Yup, been there a couple of times. It's great! Conor came for a day last year for a day. is the web site but nothin up there yet. They are on myspace. Calella psychobilly meeting. Surf bands and stuff on the beach durin the day and bands at night.!ninjaaaa
  5. demonica

    do 'emo kids' know what emo is?

    Worst Youtube ever. Not even a little bit funny. Slagging emo kids, like shooting fish in a barrell.
  6. demonica

    new lfc thread

    I just upgraded, of course by that I mean made someone leave they're game in my house. Apparently you can get no cd codes for football manager games!
  7. demonica


    Haha, thats gas, they're all foreign speakin pig latin. I likes. Bira bad religion in there too!
  8. demonica

    Dregin and the septic pussys----WARNING----FREAkY IMAGE

    Jaysus, imagine what ye could fit in there, dats lovely dat is.
  9. demonica

    Septic Pussy update

  10. demonica

    Ballroom # 62 - Electric Eel Shock! Sat Mar 10th

    Electric eel shock a bleedin deadly!
  11. demonica

    GGI 2007 - first details

    Drinking?! I think your mixing it up with, this is a "punk" festival.
  12. demonica

    African Nazi

    This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by MTV Networks/Viacom :mad:
  13. demonica

    Freebooters Six for a Fiver Fest - Paddys Weekend

    Voodoo opens till 3 doesn't it?
  14. demonica

    Septic Pussy update

    I have a few opinions on your ability to construct a sentence correctly.
  15. demonica

    Freebooters Six for a Fiver Fest - Paddys Weekend

    why is it over at one?!
  16. demonica

    do 'emo kids' know what emo is?

    Nah, apparently slavery was abolished in 1865 and keytars were abolished in 1989.
  17. demonica

    why irish people have dark hair

    I think it means you're are descended from viking scum. Also a ging bag.
  18. demonica

    Is Janer Punk?

    I would out pogo him any day of the week. It's very like Irish Dancing don't you know.
  19. demonica

    Is Janer Punk?

    Janer can't pogo for shit. Now Neville J. Swift, there was a guy who could pogo.
  20. demonica

    do 'emo kids' know what emo is?

    Good isn't he? I found him outside the spar in ringsend playing his Keytar to mars bars.