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  1. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    They actually have an Irish section in sainsburys People who order Mojitos are way fucking worse.
  2. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    Send us anything from Pablo Picante, 20 Johnny Blue and a nodge of scaldy hash. I'm buying a Dublin jersey the minute I get off the plane at christmas too. Championays championays ole ole ole etc!! Wearing one down the local here makes you a marked man. Bleedin' boggers. In that case they...
  3. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    Yes Please!!! And some plumpynut. Except I'm allergic so send plumpy-oats. Ta.
  4. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    Oh yeah as Gaz said - cous cous. You'll never eat again. Throw in some spices and you'll never want to eat anything else ever again.
  5. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    There's so much to hate about that post. Fuck London forever. I'm just back from a weekend away in Brighton. No one bumped into me or marched straight in front of my path like I wasn't there. And the bar staff were friendly and knew what they were doing. It was like being in some sort of...
  6. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    Oh right, you're fucked so. Are you near a station where you can risk just blagging it ?
  7. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    £100 for 2 weeks is broke now is it ? I call that flush. Ramen, Beans on Toast, Tuna Pasta, and a rice, spice and vegetable mush that you always get in German squats which I think they refer to as Rice und Scheiße. That's how I've lived for the past decade.
  8. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    At least he worked for it.
  9. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    An evening with Callom Fox ? Better than a handful of shit ? C'Mon ?
  10. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    Always hated that place. Brings back terrible memories of mates who liked to pretend they were mature mid 20's pricks drinking coffee in the afternoon to try to impress ladies when in fact we were all little knackers who were really only stepped a foot in Temple Bar in order to get wrecked on...
  11. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    Yup. They sure were, there's a thread somewhere about it. To be fair Hermie was only there to meet Anita and Callom Fox for an evening of Taxi driver bating.
  12. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    Do blue Doritos still exist ? I can't get them anywhere around here.
  13. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    Helmann's Well : When you get spunk in your bellybutton. Now you know more!!
  14. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    I'd get a "PRICK" tramp stamp. Though no one will be able to read it through the hair.
  15. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    But everyone here is Irish now.
  16. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    Jesus. NYC though ? I'd rather starve.
  17. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    Nah, it's totally shit. I have a strong spine and long arms and I can lift my above own body weight so I'll always have work.
  18. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    Grow a beard ya nazi.
  19. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    I was a photographer now I work in a theatre in London, where no one gives a shit. And what do you mean by "get away with"? That's what's wrong with Ireland, even the slightest thing that you want is still something you have to "get away with". It's hair lads, it's not a fucking head of...
  20. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    Pretty much.