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  1. mr.blueface

    Good man Stephen Ireland...

    i reckon get roy to sort him out!
  2. mr.blueface

    is it the end of the breakfast roll?

    i have a pack of frozen denny gold label if anyones interested in buying em! ill let them go for a score, mint condition!
  3. mr.blueface

    Clash night tonight on bbc4 sat tv

    eircore is jst one big jury!
  4. mr.blueface

    What was the first gig you ever went to??

    the speedhorn gigs werein dolans, i was one of the ppl helping puttin it on, it was a fuckin joke, the best part was the kids, they were great fun, but my god the band were assholes! jst ignorant fuckin bastards! i hate th band to this day because of there attitude! :)
  5. mr.blueface

    Clash night tonight on bbc4 sat tv

    tht thingh on bbc4 wasnt jst tht don letts documentry does anyone know, im pretty tired of watching tht. im jst happy were all talkin bout them, its very rare on this forum
  6. mr.blueface

    Clash night tonight on bbc4 sat tv

    I think the mescaleros stuff is fantastic, !! lots of great playing on it
  7. mr.blueface

    Clash night tonight on bbc4 sat tv

    his later stuff was gift! u silly billy!
  8. mr.blueface

    Rejected Records discog

    i can sort u out with tht if u like! im like "in" with tht crowd! !ninjaaaa!ninjaaaa
  9. mr.blueface

    The Damned Support?

    probably has issues with personal space,...sure dont we all!
  10. mr.blueface

    Fucked Up

    ohhh, i see. typical i get handed a record of their's the day after the show.
  11. mr.blueface

    Fucked Up

    huh? are they playing again?
  12. mr.blueface

    The Damned Support?

    unnnnderrrr the flooooor again! :)
  13. mr.blueface

    The Damned Support?

    hope its not tht awful burlesque show they had on last time!
  14. mr.blueface

    strings and picks

    become mates with someone who works in a instrument store, this in its self is quite hard, cause most of them are mongos.
  15. mr.blueface

    anyone looking for new gafs!

    i live in a ruff estate in stillorgan? am i upper lower middle class?
  16. mr.blueface

    Straight Edge article in the Irish Times today?

    i think its stupid to mention bands whn it come to a life choice, of course ppl can be influenced, but to throw out band name hoping that it will be enough to have a good arguement, end of the line is ppl who take anything to an extreme will piss off everyone else, esp in religion
  17. mr.blueface

    Straight Edge article in the Irish Times today?

    i doubt ppl tryin to get u to drink is seen as one of lifes hardships. and knowning every detail about a band isnt exactly impressive or good arguement!!
  18. mr.blueface

    Straight Edge article in the Irish Times today?

    funny the dramatic straight edge has to bring knobs into the equation!! is it true they all love to drink from the flute?
  19. mr.blueface

    Raging Speedhorn

    i had to travel around with them last time they were over, put on an entertaining show, but my god they were fuckin assholes. completely up there own fuckin ass. or possibly each others. :)
  20. mr.blueface

    dublin youth culture pics book preview

    yea, and onoff will be respected!!.... i reckon by tht time, smoking will only be afforded by the really rich!