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  • Users: Skink
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  1. Skink

    Arvo Part Festival

    theyre running out of boring composers as well... ;-)
  2. Skink

    Autechre Quaristice Preview

    any idea how to get tickets fr the london show/s ? sez theyre sold out but think there are still tickets goin
  3. Skink


    tour dates announced - nothin for oirland yet!
  4. Skink


    there's a squat party on this weekend. there were two last weekend
  5. Skink

    stockhausen passes with joy through heaven's door

    too bad he disappeared up his own ass with Licht etc but he did some great stuff. hopefully there'll be some concerts now dis year
  6. Skink

    Predictions for 2008

    autechre's new album out cant wait fr that anywho
  7. Skink


    you could probably learn to enjoy it. would depend on how small the room was
  8. Skink

    TV-Links type site? does peepshow etc and films
  9. Skink


  10. Skink


    locked in a room on yr own with the volume down and this playin on a loop
  11. Skink


    maybe just take acid and watch the blair witch project
  12. Skink

    buying an album on a whim

    how whimsical you are
  13. Skink

    London Adebisi gig

    deadly night, all the bands were grate, cool venue and decent enough crowd, Adebisi Shank are shockingly good adebisi shank, bats and down i go were all gut punchingly deadly. kings cross is a cool little venue too. the stage lights got punched out a couple times as well. the manager of...
  14. Skink

    London Adebisi gig

    good stuff lookin forward to. aint seen em before
  15. Skink

    London Adebisi gig

    anyone know if the Adebisi Shank gig in King's X is goin ahead dis arvo? heard they were broke down on the motorway up north a couple days ago
  16. Skink

    FAO: Philip Glass fanz

    check out La Monte Young instead... you can download The Well Tuned Piano on torrentfinder. 5 hour+ solo piano piece in just intonation, it's class
  17. Skink

    MBV Gigs

    from Glastonbury site: Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts The next Glastonbury Festival will be held on the weekend of 27th, 28th and 29th June 2008 ... just got 4 tickets for Friday 20th over the Roundhouse phone line
  18. Skink


    the bass player was in my class in college last year. only copped on when she had to give in her work early cos they were going on a european tour with arcade fyer
  19. Skink


    this has to be the winner
  20. Skink

    Leechrum fest...
