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  1. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    Especially when Olympia Three-atre was there for the taking
  2. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    Got an insane quote for a root canal this week. "Hey, how come this is so much, it's nearly half the price on your website" "Yeah, but you're particularly fucked, we need to get the specialist in... " 8(
  3. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    Tune. Your cover from memory was pretty spot on, fair play
  4. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    Is it BAD?
  5. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    Worse than Hitler...
  6. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    When was the last time you actually bought a record and didn't just stream it? Even more of a monster...
  7. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    Amazon is actualy great for buying vinyl at the moment if you have Prime. Anything under £22 is getting vat taken off for Irish deliveries. Got the new King Gizzard delivered for 17 euro or thereabouts...
  8. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    Just marched out of the house in me hasmat gear to go to the post office, to post something for my daugher to Korea, only to be told Korea isn't accepting post from Ireland right now! That's how you manage Coronovirus restrictions...
  9. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    You absolute bastard
  10. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    Only one way to break a mattress in..... hammer.
  11. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    This shit is terrifying to me. You can deep fake a video from just a photograph...
  12. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

  13. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    What school? Are you making it 'rona safe??
  14. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    Pete, hold me....
  15. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    Sigh. This whole lockdown process gave us the chance to take the foot off the pedal, as it were, and step back and re-evaluate how we live our lives. Slow down, work from home, be more considerate to others, save civilisation as we know it etc. What decision did we arrive at? Let's be bigger...
  16. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    Can't remember the last time I handled any cash
  17. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    I've worked from home since the early 2000's, so have been well used to it, but now THERE ARE INTERLOPERS RUINING EVERYTHING
  18. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    Argh, that's poxy.
  19. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    You're much better off buying bluray/dvd player though, Scart converted to HDMI will probably look terrible. A bluray player should upscale your dvds to look as best as possible on the new telly I'm sure they turn up frequenty for even less than that, or nab one for next to nothing off adverts.
  20. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    "lived in ambience"