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  1. thickaspigshit

    Newish brit band wanting to get a gig - Help - not a plug

    ...advice of someone that can help or puts on gigs of a similar rockin nature. The previous band had promise, album had a 10 rating in NME and 4 or 5* in kerrang but due to the climate at the time didnt last. They are getting some good write ups in the press in UK, Kerrang did a feature on them...
  2. thickaspigshit

    Anyone know where it comes from?

    Theres a siren that goes off at 12 every friday(only) up adelaide rd somewhere and I keep thinkin world war 3 has broken out before ive had me dinner. Anyone know who or what is responsible? SO i can go and pop a cat in their ass....miaow
  3. thickaspigshit

    Anyone know owt about ISIS?

    Its not an anagram or anythin but if you know em or where I can hear stuff. They are playin here next year and i hear they are similar to DEP and Icarus Line. I love the latter but am not right keen on DEP, a bit too shouty, thrashy for my aural taste buds. Apologies if that comment...
  4. thickaspigshit

    England - Rugby

    2 words Get in there
  5. thickaspigshit

    Nokia Game

    Anyone tried it. Im up to no. 75 in Ireland. Cos I got password to next bit
  6. thickaspigshit

    Ozzys Cancelled(not rescheduled)

    The shaky one isnt coming at all accord to emceedee
  7. thickaspigshit

    Marti Grech last nite...

    Amazing voice, amazing sound, amazing gig. I thought it was gonna be some sort of melodious radiohead meet jeff buckley and muse. How wrong could that be, loudest gig in Whelans in yonks, but it sounded so tight. Anyone else hurt their hands from clapping at the end.
  8. thickaspigshit

    Goldblade on Kids tv tomorra

    Yep, if you didnt know, Brother John and his merry gambinos will be playing on Sattitude on Network 2 sometime between 10.30 and 12 apparently playing the new single 'Who was the killa' which is actually pretty good. But this is definitely worth watching as the rugby is a formality, Aussies...
  9. thickaspigshit

    Leeds United £50m in debt

    Yeeees, Stand up and wear your crown Sir Peter of Ridsdale. Thousands of people in yorkshire and mank-chester salute your hard work and devotion to fuckin the shit up at a proper tin pot club. We all hate...etc
  10. thickaspigshit

    Swap (2) David Bowie sat for Sun anyone?

    Friend of mine needs to swap 2 saturday tickets for sunday. Anyone going who fancies seeing the thin white sliced duke on first nite (no work the morning after!) PM moi and I will put yiz in proverbial touch. If this is posted in wrong place, dont start on me.
  11. thickaspigshit

    Funeral for a Friend

    Anyone know the craic with this gig on sunday at TBMC? They were sposed to be supported by Movielife and Million Dead but Im hearing bad things that they are not playing and some SKA band is supportin instead. Can anyone confirm/deny?
  12. thickaspigshit

    Killing Joke tonite

    Any one going to this. I got the album a couple of months ago and its pretty good stuff. Bit dark but grows onyou and theyve been going a few years so should know what theyre doing. Anyone seen em before 'back in the day' I expect ill be told they were brilliant years ago and shite...
  13. thickaspigshit

    The Darkness playing HMV Grafton St

    Afternoon of their gig in Vicar St.... Mooooother fuuuuuuuckerrrrrrrrrrr. This deserves a !cheezy!bog.|..| I fucking love flexi time!
  14. thickaspigshit

    Anyone know any Italian?

    Need advice on gettin a ticket for AC milan home game in a cple of weeks, any of you well travelled ppl ever been. They hav a link for tickets but they dont seem to be selling at the moment!!? ANy advice greatly accepted. Cant get to Bournemouth match cos its sold out
  15. thickaspigshit

    JJ seventy Hilary no.2 Might need to reduce the erm size
  16. thickaspigshit

    Har Mar in Whelans

    Pretty good night, thought the Things were fuckin brilliant, never realised they were so good. The place was packed, dont think ive seen whelans so full, not since Moldy Peaches 2nd gig there. Bit short mind, but then the joke is wearing thinner than his hair....mullets are back in...
  17. thickaspigshit


    2 General admission tickets I need to get rid of.. I know its tomorrow.... any offers PM me Owt considered
  18. thickaspigshit

    Anyone know a way of....

    .....hacking into the HotPiss msg board. Some of the posts in there, jaysus. One flew over the cuckoos nest has the internet. Some right bleedin muppets, apologys if any one on here is masqueradin as a said stuffed toy on there. I mean someone actually is complaining about the sound at...
  19. thickaspigshit

    Petition against ticketbastard

    Not sure if this has been around already but you know what to do if you to speak 500+ ppl already signed Shove it up ur hole ticketmaster
  20. thickaspigshit

    New Killing Joke album

    Anyone heard...any thoughts. Contrary to popular belief I do listen to other stuff and this rocks like a mother fecker...pretty damn scary lyrics too And DG playin in goal too.... .|..|