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  • Users: taubstumm
  • Content: Threads
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  1. T


    i think i asked this on here before, but i can't find it. what's the max that a self-employed person can earn in a year before owing tax? this stuff always gives me headaches.
  2. T

    soundcloud limits

    does anyone know how the limits on soundcloud work? it says that basic accounts can upload 120 minutes -- does that mean 120 minutes in total? weekly? monthly? thanks...
  3. T

    limits on new users

    hey pete, or anyone else who knows about this... is there still a setting where new users can't post links and videos and stuff until they have a certain amount of posts racked up?
  4. T

    strange new spam

    just got eight copies of the same email, apparently sent from ioncam.seirbhise at i tried to 'read' this, with my leaving-cert gaeilge, gave up, went to google translate: then there's a link to a clearly nasty malware/virus site. obvious trick, but very weird that they'd go to...
  5. T

    imovie question

    i'm using imovie 6 i'm trying to get a single image (a jpg) to fade in, stay for a few seconds, and fade out. it's letting me put a fade out on it, but not a fade in. :confused: why? at the moment, it's the same no matter what image i use enlightenment sought... thanks...
  6. T

    thunderbird woes

    why would i be getting a message like this, peeps? i can still receive email, just not send it. everything was working fine last night. also, if i abandon thunderbird and instead just log in to my host's webmail client in a browser, i can send emails no problem. hosting is with...
  7. T

    paypal question

    can i sell things online with a paypal personal account? or do i have to upgrade to a premier one?
  8. T

    something in the water in spain

  9. T

    siamese dream

    filed under: things that make you go 'huh?'
  10. T

    go egypt

    fair play lads
  11. T

    my disco

  12. T


    i still feel let down and dejected by these sorts of things. oh well. gang of four, you make me sad.
  13. T

    can't reply to threads over a year old?

    not cool, brady
  14. T

    converting a 4:3 ratio video to 16:9 in mpeg streamclip

    i want to convert a 4:3 aspect ratio video to 16:9 in mpeg streamclip. i want to do this by cropping the top and bottom of the video clip out (and not by stretching the clip out to make it fit). can't figure it out. wat do, thumped?
  15. T

    rté's 404 page has a sad bosco

  16. T

    getting video of stuff that's not on youtube

    if i was looking for footage from tv news from, say, twenty years ago, but it's not on youtube, where can i get it? do i have to be on some fancy private torrent site or the like? any recommendations? thanks.
  17. T

    imagine a jump

    oh internet
  18. T

    za - macumba o muerte

    :heart: !bing .|..| myspzz
  19. T

    these new puritans

    they have a new el pee that sounds like woodwind industrial childrens choir post-punk knife-sharpening weirdness; i give it five on the open-ended taubstumm heart scale: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  20. T

    ben frost thread

    i've been listening to this guy almost non-stop for the past while. .|..|