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  1. sealed human

    District 9

    Blomkamp released a doc in 2006 I think called 'Alive in Jo'burg' about gangs etc, and some of those findings influenced his script, so why not set it in the same place I suppose? Poor Wikus...
  2. sealed human


    My mistake, eep
  3. sealed human


    Its funny how (to start at least) its so close to Reaper - everyman, slightly nerdy lead man that doesnt really have a direction in life? Check - a couple of nerdy/randy friends full of quips? Check -being thrown into working for a sinister boss with no idea of the larger implications...
  4. sealed human

    SLEEP THIEVES launch download single 'City Lights' this Friday!

    We're following up on our last release, the It Was Only A Satellite EP with a download only release of the song 'City Lights' as a single. Its available from us directly this Friday by emailing us at [email protected], we'll send the track (mp3) and the artwork jpeg for your iPod's...
  5. sealed human


    Who's watching this? It's not bad, pretty light & breezy so far (I'm only 5 episodes in mind) but has potential. I heard it was picked up for another season so at least its not one of those shows that ends up on a midseason cliffhanger never to be resolved...
  6. sealed human

    Super quick CD duplication need in Dublin... help??

    haha no its only a small run of 50 so no need for the DIY contraption there :cool: I called Specialist AV yesterday, pricey (€2 per disc compared to less than €1 via a company in Cork) but I get to hand deliver. Hmmm...
  7. sealed human

    Beatles covers on Phantom tonight

    I-Con are doing a show devoted to the beatles (no way) but they've asked some Irish bands to rework a Beatles track, so hopefully some interesting results in there... 9-11 tonight!
  8. sealed human

    Super quick CD duplication need in Dublin... help??

    Any advice on good but mainly quick places in Dublin that do duplication? basically I need to get a no frills run of 50 CDs done by midweek next week. Black text on silver, no cases/sleeves needed, small run, its for media & DJ postage for a download single, just to have a physical copy to...
  9. sealed human

    Beatles Rock Band

    the drums dont take up that much space, just leave em set up and face em into a corner, no hassle. Plus the legs can reduce down to knee level so I wouldnt let storing them put anyone off... the price on the other hand... Still, playing One Armed Scissor by At The Drive In on 'hard' setting...
  10. sealed human

    Starting a business.

    Hey guys, After about 30 seconds using Google for this query, I thought Thumped would be much better to assist! I'm looking to set up a retail outfit in the city centre. I'm sure there are a few free advice bureaus in Dublin for ppl like myself that have an idea, a way to market it but...
  11. sealed human


    Loved the jazz pancake last night, and Georgie Dawes song
  12. sealed human

    Final Destination...3D!

    The sunbed death in.. I dont know which one, that was the funniest death ever. they're comedies, right?
  13. sealed human

    Not going to the Electric Picnic? Post here!

    Watching a Darren Gibson 30 yarder scream in for a 1-0 win while in the middle of a crowd of good, good ppl in town, Guinness flowing... Electric what?
  14. sealed human

    Final Destination...3D!

    Yes, I know it'll be absolute rubbish, but its 3D rubbish so I might go along for the novelty. Anyone seen it yet?
  15. sealed human

    if jack lynch had invaded?

    I got nauseous from all the jerky cam, but I DID get an impression of the boiler room that was the cabinet room that day. A tour de force!
  16. sealed human


    You Have Been Watching is over for the time being isnt it? thankfully Shooting Stars steps in to show that all isnt lost in TV land...
  17. sealed human


    Lets not forget 'You've Been Filmed'...
  18. sealed human


    Thank God its back, a very solid start I thought... "I do not have an anger management problem!"
  19. sealed human

    Thank you from DEAF - fundraiser sold out!

    All the offy had at 9.55 was Powers which I had to smuggle in, its not nice
  20. sealed human

    Piece of kit needed to 'Split' a signal live?

    I can get the Boss pedal for €30 on eBay, I think for that price I'll go for the pedal, mixers tend to be up near the €80+ mark?