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  1. cODe_n1NjA

    Next Oak gigs.

    EDIT: woops wrong account. - brian.
  2. cODe_n1NjA

    ERASURE /////// Thursday 2nd March '06

  3. cODe_n1NjA

    The Weekend Thread

    Re: Wikkywikkywikkywikkywikkyweeeeeeekennnnnnndeeeendy endyendy :D :D :D :D :D :D :D we could just all call over to wheel's gaff? WHEELS?
  4. cODe_n1NjA

    Bored In Work 190

    Re: ATTENTION THUMPEES. did you not hear me lurlow? COP ON
  5. cODe_n1NjA

    ERASURE /////// Thursday 2nd March '06

    Amazing, i fucking love erasure? how much are tickets? can i get them in road? i've seen them a few times before, my uncle jenny (yeah, ok, she was my uncle until the op last year, but i still prefer to call her uncle instead of aunt for some peculiar reason) got me backstage passes, because...
  6. cODe_n1NjA

    Bored In Work 190

    nip in the bud? hey dudes who wants a nip in the bud this valentines from good old code ninja the gay cupid? this was me last year.. getting ready to shoot my loaded weapon in to unsuspecting lovie dovies all around the city. get in touch and i'll hook you up the the love serum you need...
  7. cODe_n1NjA

    Bored In Work 190

    Re: hey bud-die!!!! hi clive wheres the party? just gonna finish off making these rice crispie buns, then pop into brown thomas for a gander at the new stock then i'm all yours...
  8. cODe_n1NjA

    Bored In Work 190

    hey bud-die!!!! hey bud-deeee!!!!
  9. cODe_n1NjA

    cosmic trigger - robert anton wilson

    "Do what thou wilt"
  10. cODe_n1NjA

    anyone know about lightning bolt in may?

    hhee eeehheee hee hee haa hhaaa hee haw haw