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  • Users: Space
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  1. Space

    Climate change global warming natural disaster freak weather etc.

    And cease it will.
  2. Space

    Climate change global warming natural disaster freak weather etc.

    My point was more that this shouldn't have to be headline news at this stage.
  3. Space

    General Election 2025

    The article. Thanks. "Freedom of expression/speech" rings alarm bells.
  4. Space

    Climate change global warming natural disaster freak weather etc.

    I wrote a thesis in 2006 saying the same thing.
  5. Space

    General Election 2025

    What does it say?
  6. Space

    DIY Guitar Messing About

    I'd have said the complete opposite. I only ever look at the side dots when playing and need a strong contrast to see them. Some kinda white dust in the glue could work well. Bicarbonite soda is what the lads use for nut filling so maybe a white dust like that in the glue or a white stain on...
  7. Space

    Middle aged pleasures

    Yeah I think he's a Delaney type character, no one likes him./
  8. Space

    BIG|BRAVE & Jessica Moss

    The real capital.
  9. Space

    Crimes against guitars....

    There's only three switches, hardly overkill.
  10. Space

    Middle aged pleasures

    Dublin's great despite Owen Keegan/DCC's efforts to ruin it. Hopefully there's some kinda turn around when he retires next month.
  11. Space


    He's a bigot.
  12. Space


    Looks like she's doubled down on the post a few times now.
  13. Space

    Unpopular Opinions

  14. Space

    Unpopular Opinions

    Are we allowed to enjoy both?
  15. Space

    Middle aged pleasures

  16. Space

    Wow, I have just discovered...

    Here's two articles
  17. Space

    Wow, I have just discovered...

    Yeah it's great. I think Yann does another band with two or three hurdies. Maybe Jericho. If I dig out the Quietus hurdy article it's in that along with a France album. PS I'm nearly finished making a drone/doom/rock/metal album that features a heap of hurdy.
  18. Space

    DIY Guitar Messing About

    He mentions he has the jig build in another video alright
  19. Space

    DIY Guitar Messing About

  20. Space

    DIY Guitar Messing About

    Oh shite.