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  • Users: minka
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  1. minka

    Electric Picnic 2009

    ah now, we're not that aggressive. (ba-dum-tish!)
  2. minka

    What are you listening to RIGHT NOW?

    lfo - "lfo" retro, me.
  3. minka

    DEAF full lineup:::298 Irish & International acts!

    though, pah, pas and plaid are the same night. that limits my opportunities to do my dancing hippo impression somewhat.
  4. minka

    DEAF full lineup:::298 Irish & International acts!

    thirded. fuck it, i'm going to be far too pregnant to dance at any of these things. i will be stroking my chin contemplatively instead.
  5. minka

    DEAF full lineup:::298 Irish & International acts!

    ooh. haven't seen mr. slater in a while. that looks like fun.
  6. minka

    ONEIDA (Usa, Jagjaguwar Records) LIVE IN DUBLIN!!!! Sat 22nd August, Whelans

    that were fantastic, that were. what a drummer. i suspect they may constitute some kind of drug-free drugs. i certainly danced around a lot for a pregnant person. i was walking up the stairs to the bar on the way out behind some girl, and i could see her texting her mate over her shoulder...
  7. minka

    Restaurant Recommendations

    yeah, we were already thinking about when we were going to go back as we were leaving!
  8. minka

    Restaurant Recommendations

    went to chapter one last night for slightly belated special birthday dinner. can report that the food is yummy. i had: - lobster, potato, and broad bean salad - roast rabbit, mash, carrots, and a TINY RABBIT SHEPHERDS PIE in a little dish (om nyom nyom) - white chocolate and bergamot mousse...
  9. minka

    Spacemen 3 or Loop?

    burn the infidel!
  10. minka

    Spacemen 3 or Loop?

    have we learned nothing from the pitched spacemen - loophead battles on brighton beach? (was more of a spacemen 3 fan meself, though i quite liked loop)
  11. minka

    ONEIDA (Usa, Jagjaguwar Records) LIVE IN DUBLIN!!!! Sat 22nd August, Whelans

    me. vinnie told me to go and there's no arguing with vinnie.
  12. minka

    anyone remember the cure-heads?

    i tell a lie, that was the ormond multimedia centre. sorry for maligning your floor, city arts centre.
  13. minka

    anyone remember the cure-heads?

    the city arts centre is the only indoor venue i have ever left with what appeared to be mud up to my knees. i don't think they ever cleaned the floor...
  14. minka

    anyone remember the cure-heads?

    you got better results with a toothbrush than a comb, i found. i have no idea how i discovered this. i did go to mcgonagles, though that was a bit later...
  15. minka

    anyone remember the cure-heads?

    1) backcomb with old toothbrush 2) apply ludicrous amounts of hairspray. i used to carry a toothbrush around in the breast pocket of my old man's jacket for touch-ups. oh yes.
  16. minka

    anyone remember the cure-heads?

    ah, bartley dunnes. as far as i remember, it was a gay bar, a goth bar, an underage drinking bar, and an indie bar. simultaneously. perhaps because it was very dark and you could imagine that everyone else there was from [insert subculture here]. i shudder to think how much of my limited...
  17. minka

    Happy Birthday to minka, tim on 17th August 2009

    thanks folks! (so very very old) and happy birthday tim!
  18. minka

    annoying flatmates

    i had a flatmate once who used to do that. usually on a midweek night when i had to get up for work in the morning too. oh, the rage. did you already live in the flat when he moved in? then you have UNASSAILABLE MORAL HIGH GROUND for reading him the riot act. (it's slightly harder if you...
  19. minka

    Sublime Frequencies 'euro' tour.

    oh aces, thanks! i am still pissed off that that tour didn't come here. when i read the wire article on souleyman, i had just come back from jordan and on the basis of the description in the article thought "i BET he sounds like that crazy music i heard in a taxi that the driver said was...
  20. minka

    The Jimmy Cake & Jogging this Saturday

    shameless hup.