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  1. GO

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    I took my little girl into Zaytoon earlier for what has now become a father daughter kebab ritual..and if that wasn't enough to make a man almost burst with pride...when I was driving up Fishamble Street looking for parking,as we passed by a handicapper spot she reminded me that we were in my...
  2. GO

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    Did your grandad have a butler/manservant? And was his name Jeeves by any chance?
  3. GO

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    Aargghh..pain. I am penalty point free happily Whenever I slip over the border for a few bargains I don't know wtf speed to be driving cos my speedo is metric as fuck
  4. GO

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    Johnny are you still on MPH? I have not got a clue what 60 mph is. I can drive 80 kph with my eyes closed
  5. GO

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    I've taken to wearing earphones when driving..just is ear ones,I'm not wreckless.I have considering full cans..wouldn't that be fantastic!! But I think it could be dangerous to be too immersed in Jean Michelle Jarre and possibly an invitation to get pulled over by the fuzz,which nobody wants
  6. GO

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    Thats interesting...we always called them hard-chaws! Either way I havent heard the term in yizzonks its great. I recently became aware that in Britain they are sometimes reffered to as "roadmen" which I also love. Thankfully there are no hard chaws in this sleepy hamlet to be fingering wash me...
  7. GO

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    Not a CHANCE! That shit is for M U G S Don't tell me you'd besmirch your jamjar with such frivolous accouterments?
  8. GO

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    A hose! Pretty sweet! I hope you get her back up n hosin' in time for the chrimbo. I had to go OLD SCHOOL ..a bucket..but its one S W E E T bucket..I'd says she's a 10 litre at least..does double duty on mop day...thats right.the mop fits right in her...pretty fucking sweet. Jermy Clarkson...
  9. GO

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    Thats all well and good but have you washed your car for christmas yet?
  10. GO

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    Just gave the van its christmas wash..jazes christ it was manky..could barely see out the windows I attribute it to the regular fog on the n3..foggiest road in Ireland @johnnystress ,hi!