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  • Users: Alex
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  1. Alex


    and I'll tell you more... my sisters tend to be VERY sweet to anyone who turns up at our gigs* *Also this might not be true
  2. Alex


    Seriously, this can be done. If any of you want to play a few gigs in Milan and thereabouts that shouldn't be a problem
  3. Alex


    Sure I have two This is Adriana: And this is Federica: Wanna talk...?
  4. Alex


    It's a deal
  5. Alex


    Hag don't mess with me... didn't you see what I'm capable of...? :D
  6. Alex


    They're both Gigsmart events. In fairness, they're being great to us and didn't ask us for anything back if not going to some gigs. On topic: The Hub's gig on the 6th is VERY important for Gigsmart as they need to demonstrate to the venue that they have the numbers in order to get a regular...
  7. Alex

    next TYM meeting?

    Well.... is this meeting on tonight or not?
  8. Alex


    Sound. But don't make me have to *bump* this again or I'll shoot every single motherfucking last one of ye :mad:
  9. Alex

    A message from Dubh

    To avoid confusion: 06.11.03 -> The Hub 12.11.03 -> Temple Bar Music Centre :) Ta, Alex
  10. Alex

    A message from Dubh

    Hello Keith, Point taken. Personally, I have nothing against Kieran: we actually had a good relationship before all this mess happened and we also worked together to bring Dubh over. I must recoignise I've been a bit harsh to him but, as I said, he could have given me a ring to check what...
  11. Alex


    ...opportunity for Morello, as it will take them one step closer to their ultimate goal: world domination and subsequent annihilation of the human kind* Only for two nights: The hub - Eustace Street (Dublin) - Thursday 06/11/2003 Support comes from the excellent LOST and LEANDER...
  12. Alex

    A message from Dubh

    Egg_, as usual you prove to be the wisest and have all my respect here. I also thought that things could have gone this way.... Dubh being under pressure and giving out about work with a friend.... then the rumors spreading around and getting bigger/worst all the time...... However, Morello...
  13. Alex

    A message from Dubh

    Hi Al, At least you have the balls to talk openly and I appreciate that. To answer your questions: 1/Give Dubh an advance as he was seriously strapped for cash, and actually charge him interest on it? Interest...?? What are we a fucking bank???? C'mon that's just silly, how could you...
  14. Alex

    A message from Dubh

    OK... so you're saying that Lorcanzo was The Pope all along....? Does it mean that I have to thank him for this review?!?! Jaysus, this story is getting surreal..... :eek: “Morello […] The compare tells us that the lads are recording their debut album in their own studio, but on the...
  15. Alex

    A message from Dubh

    :D We play the 12th too at TBMC, it's a Wednesday and it's free
  16. Alex

    A message from Dubh

    Tell you what... if Lorcanzo admits this was a misunderstanding and apologies for all this mess then we can even forget about it Roxy, I see your point but as the ancient* say goes: "Do not bitch if you don't want to be bitched" :) * I made this up
  17. Alex

    A message from Dubh

    Music is HEAVY....but vocals are quite melodic Why don't you drop at the gig next Thurs?
  18. Alex

    A message from Dubh

    Cormac I really wish you were right :( I did like Lorcanzo before all this mess happened but, even if this is a misuderstanding, he could have tried to clarify things before telling the whole world that Morello are a bunch of dishonest bastards and ripped people off... these are HEAVY accusations
  19. Alex

    A message from Dubh

    I look forward to hear what he has to say. Let me just add that the other Delorentos are a bunch of lovely fellas, nothing against them. Enhance, nothing dangerous in the neibourghood. We had a few problems with the people we rented the premises from as they didn't want too many people/bands...
  20. Alex

    A message from Dubh

    OK, I didn't want to do this but you leave me no choice. Lorcanzo is a liar and none of what he told you is true. Delorentos recording didn't go well because to their lack of practice/organization and LOADS of personal problems (which I don't discuss here as they're none of my business) +...