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  1. whathappen?

    Rent / Taxes

    hello all I applied for this online for 2008 and 2007. Today I received two Paye balancing statements , one for each year. At the end of each one it gives an amount 2007 €359.23 , 2008 €399.26. Then in the section called "Treatment of Result" it says offset against PAYE (the amount again)...
  2. whathappen?

    Photos of your Pets

    Here is a recent photo of Sean og. He is about 6 years old now and has suddenly become very aggressive toward other animals.Here he is at his look out post keeping an eye out for a black and white fella who tried to get in the window. Sean og made shit of him......go on my son. So now every...
  3. whathappen?

    -crisp reviews-

    Hey , not sure if anyone has mentioned these but Aldi do a mighty salt and vinegar crisp. They come in a black packet . very nice
  4. whathappen?

    F***in' C**ksucker

    Take a picture of his house , then find photos of house interiors online , make a few posters with the address on them and advertise the place as for sale .Say there will be an open day starting at 9 am on a Sunday .Hand out flyers too and post it on daft. Hopefully loads will turn up ringing...
  5. whathappen?

    I have the horn for...

  6. whathappen?

    I have the horn for...

  7. whathappen?

    Real Life People I have the Horn For

    Detective Joe who came into my work today in hot pursuit of a shoplifter. purrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Had a touch of a young 6ft Al Pacino
  8. whathappen?

    I have the horn for...

    I like hairy hehehehehe . Going to Comic- con on the prowl :heart:
  9. whathappen?

    I have the horn for...

    yep , tis Spock
  10. whathappen?

    I have the horn for...

    I think he was it done for heroes when one of his arms turns to metal and kills someone
  11. whathappen?

    I have the horn for...

    lol I have also seen what he can do with those fingers .|..| sort of
  12. whathappen?

    I have the horn for...

    I know he has been posted before but he is astonishing
  13. whathappen?

    The Trek XI Thread

    I saw it in London a few days ago. LOVED IT Spock is one hot vulcan. Seriously hot. I cannot wait for the next one.
  14. whathappen?

    Real Life People I have the Horn For

    I clicked on that link :eek: :rolleyes:
  15. whathappen?

    Primavera Sound 2009

    sorry only just seeing this now. I think I owe them 400 odd euro .....dose in the hole :( but when I win the lottoon saturday ( now bear in mind it will be the uk lotto , heading over on friday ) I will bring all my friends plus the first 20 people into Plug'd on the Sunday morning after I win...
  16. whathappen?

    The 'share a song you can't stop playing' thread

    YouTube - Shellac - End of Radio (live at Primavera)
  17. whathappen?

    I have the horn for...

    lol lol lol make it stop MAKE IT STOP LOL
  18. whathappen?

    Realistic Train, HUWWTD, Lamp - Fred Zeppelins Cork Sat 2nd May

    lol . enjoyed this so I did. They even had the snooker on downstairs.
  19. whathappen?

    I have the horn for...

    what? I think he is cute .I will accept that the glasses are wanky though.
  20. whathappen?

    Put pictures of your sprogs here

    you have no idea , this lil lady has a savage wardrobe :):)