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  1. Squiggle

    Quotes from your child

    My three year old niece (in Florida on hols with her parents and baby sister) "We've got a swimming pool. You wanna come and swim with me, hmmm? Just get on the big plane."
  2. Squiggle

    Quotes from your child

    Awww, that is so cute. I was talking to my sister earlier and she put my niece on - but not before telling her to keep it short. So I got a really cheerful "Hi.... Byeeeee" Doesn't get much shorter than that.
  3. Squiggle

    Quotes from your child

    My niece again Her "Nanny going away?" My mum "I'm going up to Aunt Sarah" Her "I'm coming too" My mum "No, you wouldn't like it at Aunt Sarah's" Her "It's bloughy?" (her word for dirty) My mum (trying not to laugh) "No, no, it's just that I'm staying for 2 days and you'd want to go home to your...
  4. Squiggle

    Quotes from your child

    In the same vein my nearly 3 year-old niece has recently taken to carrying around her favourite jumper 'neen hood' (green hoodie) bundled up. I asked her about it - "It's baby Katie" (her new little sister) and off she went cradling and bouncing the hoodie... later I heard her singing to it...
  5. Squiggle

    Quotes from your child

    My eldest niece again. My sister called me this evening and said my niece wanted to talk to me: "Hiiii Aunt Sarah, I want to go see the monkeys... pause... We go see the monkeys, yeah?" me "you want to go to the zoo to see the monkeys?" "yeeaahh, tomorrow" me "oh, tomorrow... but what about...
  6. Squiggle

    Quotes from your child

    Ah, thanks Jane, she is great! Some choice quotes from this weekend: "Arms open! Want to see rabbit" (guess she likes my new jimmy cake t-shirt then) "Wanna hear sounds" while she's putting on my headphones and trying to figure out how to get my phone to play mp3's again after I'd been...
  7. Squiggle

    Quotes from your child

    "Emily mommy hab new BABY!" - my niece on Friday informing me of the birth of her new sister. :)
  8. Squiggle

    Quotes from your child

    Frequently when I call my Mum I get to talk to my 2 and a half year old niece. She informed me very proudly on Saturday "Emily cut her hair" she then gave out about Mommy and Daddy being angry with her. Yesterday the same child: "Hi Sa (me)" "I miserable, I miss Mommy, nanny give out, I love...
  9. Squiggle

    Quotes from your child

    the only words out of my niece when my mum put her on the phone to me yesterday "nange (her granny) made baby pops... yummy"
  10. Squiggle

    Quotes from your child

    Ah, that's just too cute.