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  1. hermie


    England’s rebel spirit is rising – and it wants a no-deal Brexit | John Harris
  2. hermie


    I think it's definitely fair to blame him for being uninspiring at the time of the vote. I mean I like his political views but he just seems so ineffectual at times. Dithering on the remain campaign, that stunt on the train, disingenuously claiming he can get a better deal from the EU. He hasn't...
  3. hermie


    Seriously? Only an idiot would wish Bernie were more like Corbyn! Well, I'm a massive Sanders fan. Maybe I'm missing some of the subtle differences in their political outlook but he's a brilliant orator and is very clear and consistent in what he says. Certainly it's a tricky situation for...
  4. hermie


    The ‘backstop’ was a British proposal, not one tabled by Ireland or the EU
  5. hermie


    I actually think the EU went very easy on them. It's not in their interest to make it easy to leave. Britain were totally out of their depth in terms of negotiations but it could have been so much worse for them. Look at Greece!
  6. hermie


    Have to agree. Perhaps he's just playing politics and if he is and it works fair play to him but he's just not impressive is he? Others in the party such as David Lammy seem to have a lot more about them. In the US you have these fresh voices on the left like Bernie, Beto and Ocasio-Cortez...
  7. hermie


    So will there be another vote in a No Deal scenario, or is no deal now just not that likely? Corbyn seems to be playing silly buggers in all of this. Is that just good politics or is he really just a shit?
  8. hermie


    Not to put words in his mouth but I would think he means it's generally as a result of bad policy not because there is literally insufficient food to go around.
  9. hermie


    Did it in the late 90s but it changed pretty shortly after us so would have thought it was the same. Who knows
  10. hermie


    Maybe a little bit for the Junior cert but not much. Modern Irish History for the leaving started just after the famine and went to just after Lemass.
  11. hermie


    An English mate of mine said they covered Catholic Emancipation in A level history. I don't think we even did that for the Leaving Cert. Didn't study Daniel O'Connell properly at all until I went to college.
  12. hermie


    More different in a good way?
  13. hermie


    That's modern politics. The less shitter of two evils!
  14. hermie


    More of the same? I think you've just forgotten how bad Haughey was. He was extraordinarily vain and far more corrupt (a huge culture of brown envelopes, phone-tapping scandals, intimidation of journalists and law enforcement etc). And nowhere near as good on the economy. His terms saw a litany...
  15. hermie


    Yeah I think like a lot of what he did he was generally better at it in his early days and got lazier the more power he had. He was a good negotiator though, a good deal-maker both in terms of labour relations and peace brokering. Obviously I'm coming across as a massive apologist here, I...
  16. hermie


    In terms of environmental issues he was out of step with a lot of the political mainstream, in a good way. The plastic bag levy came in under his watch. Also the first offshore wind farm. Apparently inviting the Greens into government wasn't entirely politically motivated. He didn't need the...
  17. hermie


    Wage agreements between unions and employers, the peace process, the economy first as minister for finance and then initially as leader (not later of course). His first term as Taoiseach is generally considered a roaring success by political historians.
  18. hermie


    Don't agree with that at all. I'm no fan of him or Fianna Fáil believe me but he did more good than either his mentor or successor. Cowan is the worst for me. I can't think of anything of note he ever did. He was belligerint, chose bad people, made bad choices and was generally unlikeable on top...
  19. hermie


    Was Bertie as bad as the others? The Healy-Raes have dangerous policies and ideologies and are basically incompetant. Lowry is an out and out criminal. Bertie's own corruption is obviously amplified by the fact he was leader but as a leader I would say he was far better than either Haughey or...
  20. hermie


    How many more months of this brexit dross? Can't they just say, look we'll think of you as Norway and leave it at that??