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  1. Zeelander

    Have a look at my blog

    I've had a long week in which I used a great many words in all manner of scenario and I'll thank you not to make fun of me for taking a break from vocabulary. Blah.
  2. Zeelander

    Just wondering...

    Yeah, wow, she sounds like the worst neighbour ever. And you can't get fined for small renovations like what you mentioned above! Jesus, I'd have to be on to the council every time I wanted to plug out a lamp.
  3. Zeelander

    Have a look at my blog

    Bah! You're looking at the giant-sized one! = €107
  4. Zeelander

    Have a look at my blog

    Thanks Carbide! Part of the reason for starting Homebug was because so often when I see something I like on a blog it's like trying to get blood from a stone finding out WHERE or HOW one might go about acquiring the lovely stuff if you don't live in the same town/state/continent as the blogger...
  5. Zeelander

    Have a look at my blog

    Nah! Hey, if you wanted to buy a new one by the way, the cheapest place I know of for them (as well as oodles of other deadly stuff) is
  6. Zeelander

    Real names of people on tumt

    I'm never using my real name on the internet again. I'm sick of googling myself and the only results returning being me talking about myself on Thumped.
  7. Zeelander

    Have a look at my blog

    Totally. If I'm going down I'm dragging you down with me though. Wait till you see all the Habitat 50 x50 queers I mention tomorrow.
  8. Zeelander

    Have a look at my blog

    Madness! Cheers!
  9. Zeelander

    Have a look at my blog

    Sorry man, Blackberry Fair shut down. And the punt is no longer our national currency. Where've you been? In prison?
  10. Zeelander

    Have a look at my blog

    Thanks Squiggle. If I told you how many chairs we have in our house you wouldn't believe it. There are conference centres with less seating. Pete, I'm sorry! If I add a link to Thumped my readership will abandon me and allow Thumped to take over their lives. I can't let that happen!
  11. Zeelander

    Have a look at my blog

    I'll put a few cheap things on it just for you Vinnie. One of those little cartons of milk you like or something.
  12. Zeelander

    Have a look at my blog There's a monkey! Doesn't appear to have a maker's mark, but looks like the real thing. Bidding is only at €17. Get onto my watched items list, you...
  13. Zeelander

    Have a look at my blog

    Oh go on. It's about art and design and other rad stuff. A bit rough round the edges still, but up and running all the same.
  14. Zeelander

    mummys - when you were pregnant....

    Yeah I think that touching pregnant bellies is rather improper and people who do so without invitation are a bit creepy. If I was pregnant and someone wanted to touch my belly I'd ask them "why????" quite politely. Seriously, why?
  15. Zeelander

    Ladies - recent shoe purchases

    Like these ones from my earlier post on this thread? You see the black pair there? My idiot dog ate them. I miss them so.
  16. Zeelander

    Cute musician couples

    What?! I didn't know they were a couple. I'm rubbish when it comes to knowing about celebrity private lives. But it's so cute that they are because I used to idolise them both when I was a teenager. Aww.
  17. Zeelander

    Ladies - recent shoe purchases

    Oh God, the Schuh Christmas sale. I went a bit nuts. Had to buy online and get stuff delivered due to the sheer volume of shoes I inisited on getting. And I haven't worn a single pair of them yet because in my giddy online shopping frenzy I never considered that I didn't have anything to match...
  18. Zeelander

    Ladies - recent shoe purchases

    Hurrah. I had my eye on those black & white ones but I had to talk myself out of it because I have too many black & white accessories and ALWAYS resort to wearing the same ones all the time all together anyway. Those black and red flats are flippin awesome and it doesn't look like you wear them...
  19. Zeelander

    some observations

    I haven't read any of this thread beside Kirstie's first post so excuse me if this has already been pointed out, but the absolute best footballer's names are: Vennegoor of Hesselink & Makelele (for simultaneously being the least Irish and most Irish name ever)
  20. Zeelander

    Wikipedia, you're having a laugh init.

    Re: When Wikipedia teaches you things you didn't want to know... ever. On the page for Crumlin: What???! The Stoneboat is on Sundrive Road, not Stanaway Road! Sheesh!!