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  1. AnarchoBob

    Happy Christmas.

    Colm ye eejit! Happy Christmas everyone and happy birthday Jesus!
  2. AnarchoBob

    Eyehategod + Black Cobra. Limelight, Belfast. 04/04/10

    Holy Mary mother of Jesus, this is possibly going to be the best gig of 2010! Eyehategod AND Black Cobra? Too good to be true and there being a date in Belfast makes everything so so good. I'll be there no matter what.
  3. AnarchoBob

    Wooden Shjips & Sea Dog (thurs April 15)

  4. AnarchoBob

    skubol distro....

    PM is now on your way.
  5. AnarchoBob

    skubol distro....

    What about the Trap Them LP? If there were any of that left I'd be interested in that and the Converge LP.
  6. AnarchoBob

    German neo-nazi site hacked.

    Well sir, you just prove my point about people registering with their real/school/college e-mail address for the laughs/research being complete dopes. If you really didn't think about the possibility of your name being linked by someone, whoever that may be, to a neo-nazi site you are a complete...
  7. AnarchoBob

    skubol distro....

    Have you got any Converge and Narrows LPs left at all?
  8. AnarchoBob


    Sounds fucking repulsive. I full heartedly endorse the idea that if I had to go back to meat I'd rather eat an actual animal rather than some fucked up lab experiment.
  9. AnarchoBob


    I said I will, just trying to point out how retarded it is to assume I am trying to show off or that I am wrong.
  10. AnarchoBob


    Why should I admit I am wrong when I don't believe to be so? Not trying to be cheky (unlike you), but haven't you thought that there could be the change that you are the one that is wrong? Not trying to showing off, that is just a stupid thing to say. Just because I insist on something that I...
  11. AnarchoBob


    Well, not really. First of all in those days it was actually the case that you had to be from at least a middle-class background to be able to attend university. Obviously middle-class is not filthy rich, but all the same middle-class is not starving poor. And secondly, it is not true at all...
  12. AnarchoBob


    Never said they were big bucks, just students which in the context of early 20th century meant people with a lot to lose. I am working to get together a couple of good sources, but it is a quite well known fact that universities (and to a certain extent Sixth form) were nearly completely emptied...
  13. AnarchoBob


    As I said, a lot of the early recruits where students who had chances of making big bucks even outside the army, so the whole idea of the army giving steady income and a chance to see foreign lands is quite simply redundant. And obviously no one would have volounteered to quite probably being...
  14. AnarchoBob


    The why the patriotic and natonalist sentiment came to be is largely irrelevant given that there was a nationalistic sentiment at the outbrake of the war and it was based on that nationalistic sentiment that many people enlisted in the various armies of Europe. No, it's just a point I made to...
  15. AnarchoBob


    Well, that is just a romanticised idea the ones of loads of people signing up because they were too poor and at least in the army they had food. The hard reality is more or less what Cormac expressed: a very large and overwhelming number of people who signed up signed up purely for patriotic and...
  16. AnarchoBob

    Berlin 'day trip' help

    It is indeed. Berlin is one amazing city! All the historical stuff is really really interesting and it really has a good vibe. Sadly didn't manage to go and see Kopi, but went twice to eat at Voner and I back up the claim that it has the best chips anyone is ever going to eat.
  17. AnarchoBob

    Berlin 'day trip' help

    Yeah, hoping to manage to go to the Stasi museum 'cos thought of doing a socialist-themed day and just go and see a load of socialist things like the cemetery with all the socialists and the Soviet monument at Treptower among others. Only shit thing is that all the socialist things are all so...
  18. AnarchoBob

    Berlin 'day trip' help

  19. AnarchoBob

    Berlin 'day trip' help

    Yeah, I was expecting a nazi reference by Cormac before getting to even the 4th reply, nevermind the 5th page. Something must be wrong with Cormac.
  20. AnarchoBob

    Berlin 'day trip' help

    Right, seems that most people I am going to Berling with are going to do their own thing, so at this stage all suggestions are fair game. And yes, I hope to go to Berlin again this summer. So in this context the question would be if you'd suggest camping at those lakes.