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  1. mickalphabet

    Saul Williams does a Nike Ad

    i always thought he was shit anyway
  2. mickalphabet

    Further Mantua Lineup Details

  3. mickalphabet

    Éthiopiques - sold out

    got mine but need one for my Da for his birthday present, seated preferably
  4. mickalphabet

    Further Mantua Lineup Details

    chances are i have one, plenty i didn't put up
  5. mickalphabet

    songs with deadly drum breaks/hooks

    Best brake EVER
  6. mickalphabet

    Further Mantua Lineup Details

    alphabet snaps
  7. mickalphabet

    Further Mantua Lineup Details

    i missed the binocular football
  8. mickalphabet

    Further Mantua Lineup Details

    Some more info to be added but this is how it stands subject to change of course
  9. mickalphabet

    Further Mantua Lineup Details

    I'll post lineup timetable up this afternoon
  10. mickalphabet

    Further Mantua Lineup Details

    Ah yeah there is a 17:30 on the friday as well
  11. mickalphabet

    Further Mantua Lineup Details

    Buses run from Busarus - Ballina get off in Ballinagare, 10:30 arrive 13:30 13:00 arrive 16:10 15:45 arrive 18:20 19:00 arrives 21:35 Don't worry if it fills up, bus eireann will keep sending empties till they run out of punters. Site is spitting distance from the Bus stop in Ballinagare
  12. mickalphabet

    Further Mantua Lineup Details

    Trad egdy first band 4:30 on friday, just spotted adebisi on the lineup 7pm sunday. i'll post the full lineup later
  13. mickalphabet

    The Script are Irish - i can't believe it!

    it gets better 'Irish people have soul," according to Danny. "It comes from generations of pain, and generations of understanding emotion to be able to physically get that in a solid sound.'
  14. mickalphabet

    The Script are Irish - i can't believe it!

    from the script's' myspace 'This is a whole new brand of Celtic Soul, blending hip hop lyrical flow with pop melodiousness, state-of-the-art R'n'B production with anthemic rock dynamics, classic song construction with gritty contemporary narratives.' so help me jesus
  15. mickalphabet

    Italo Disco Appreciation Thread

    spacer woman - charlie is dope as hell as well
  16. mickalphabet

    Venetian Snares this thurs (july 10) more info

    wonder if you get a discount on the booking if you book the booking agent as support ?
  17. mickalphabet


    i thought this was a thread relating to the film 'Teeth'
  18. mickalphabet

    Dopplereffekt & Decal @ Sugar Club July 5th

    yeah as part of the show they closed the curtains and then were replaced by robots, it was like part of the performance and was kinda cool cuz they are into robots. it would have also have been cool if they had a been replaced by bicycles but i'd still prefer to see them making music with...
  19. mickalphabet

    Dopplereffekt & Decal @ Sugar Club July 5th

    don't get it whats the point in even having machines on stage if your not going to use them, at least do Something with the feckin things, your an electro legend its not like your not capable of pressing button and twisting knobs
  20. mickalphabet

    Dopplereffekt & Decal @ Sugar Club July 5th

    Milli vanilli?