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  1. R

    Minor complaints thread

    They look awfully pointy.
  2. R


    They are actually pretty cool T-shirts.
  3. R

    Minor complaints thread

    Are you still going to go ahead with the workshop? Maybe he's happy having a day to piss about.
  4. R

    Minor complaints thread

    *On it! (*figuratively)
  5. R

    Minor complaints thread

    With an "if you cant beat them" mentality, I've bought a Warhammer set (kit?) for myself so I can play against my partner. There was a new pacel every day last week with special 3D shit that he said we had to have, and now he's meeting a guy off facebook to buy more parts. I woke up last night...
  6. R


    Vintage now. You could make a fortune.
  7. R

    Minor Pleasures

    They’ll think they locked you in by mistake.
  8. R

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    The scales at home is a wanker. Tried the one in the gym and I was 7 lbs down compared to the one at home. Ok there’s also not a single flat surface in the flat, but I’m blaming the scale.
  9. R


    So why not put that attitude towards swimming and take coming last as a win? Also having worked in a bookies for a few years, tennis is the most rigged sport, moreso than grayhounds and you just need to give the dog a crust of bread to lose.
  10. R

    What gig did you go to last night?

    I thought the same thing, but then again I’d had an edible.
  11. R

    Minor complaints thread

    Didn't stop you from sticking it back in your gob though.
  12. R

    Minor complaints thread

    Yeah it was great, all 3 bands killed it. It was probably the best Irish outside gig I've been to in 20 years.
  13. R

    Minor complaints thread

    Is wearing band T-shirts at their gig cool now? There’s hundreds with them on here.
  14. R

    Major Complaints Thread

  15. R

    Major Complaints Thread

    Get well soon @egg_ We’ll do some glorified chair dancing in your honour.
  16. R

    People Who Died

    Ummm I clicked that on my work laptop. Balls. The IT guys took 2 days to fix it last time and I have to do a “don’t be an idiot, stop clicking links” course soon.
  17. R

    Major Complaints Thread

    I did that too, but I was 11 and the neighbor had to saw the plastic container off. You’re very lucky it wasn’t worse, especially with thinners.
  18. R

    Swimming lessons

    I think staying the same level and not getting actively worse is a win here. None of us are getting any younger so maintaining isn’t the worst outcome, even if the level is lower than you’d like.
  19. R


    Yep I cant say I blame them being peeved when Dept of Justice which has Judicial oversight are still invited.
  20. R


    The defence forces and court staff have officially been uninvited to Pride