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  1. R


    They are actually pretty cool T-shirts.
  2. S


    The diasparatora.
  3. nooleen

    US politics

    I see what you did there Or should I say Chonaic mé conas a dhéanfá anseo /mangled Irish
  4. nooleen

    US politics

    Báidín feimini
  5. ann post

    US politics

    Bod Feminists according to @nooleen
  6. therealjohnny

    US politics

    Boat feminists?
  7. nooleen

    US politics

    I'm literally dying to hear what the definition of bad feminist is right now This is going to be good "Doesn't have a dick"
  8. ann post

    Minor complaints thread

    I don't know if adding porn to an obsession is a positive step
  9. nooleen


    Tis disparate altogether
  10. ann post

    US politics

    I want to hear the bád feminist craic
  11. ann post


    The name in this instance is Prophetic
  12. egg_


    Future Come And Get Me t-shirt from Stoat - if any of the women of thumped want one DM me and I'll send one on, someone may as well be wearing them rather than them taking up space (don't feel obliged though, my daughters don't like them so maybe they don't look very cool)
  13. egg_

    US politics

    I think Bruce would have a better chance than Taylor tbh, but maybe that's coloured by the fact that my 19 year old is anti-Taylor because she thinks she's a bad feminist
  14. therealjohnny


    All the disparate elements of this thread are tying together nicely
  15. Cornu Ammonis

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    Sequels are always a disappointment.
  16. Cornu Ammonis

    Minor complaints thread

    Your bet is on the money.
  17. Cornu Ammonis

    forthcoming film trailers

    It looks like The Crows Have Eyes from Schitt's Creek.
  18. Jill Hives

    US politics

    Yep. But @egg_ Taylor Swift would totally get in.
  19. JohnnyRaz


    paddy wants to know.
  20. nooleen


    We are a proud peoples