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  1. Deadmanposting

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    V02 up to 56 on my watch Oh yeah...
  2. Deadmanposting


    I kinda do Conquered the distance. So that's a win. I am just on to working on the confoudning mystery of my slowness. I will still swim out to islands for fun :-)
  3. flashback

    US politics

    they should have said it was a single term presidency from the outset and stuck with that. But yeah, it's hard to know what to do now. If they reef him, assuming he co-operates, then they're going to look like they're panicking. If they leave him in, they're going to keep looking like gobshites...
  4. ernesto

    US politics

    They need to pull Biden immediately if they don't want trump winning
  5. YoungHearts


    The piece I linked to is quite interesting, alright, really worth a read, and that ad!
  6. flashback

    US politics

    yeah, Paddy Power is setting Trump as a clear favourite to win this thing. Fuck. I listened to clips. Biden sounds like a person with a neuro-degenerative problem. He sounded like that last time too, he was doing this slurring / difficulty sharply articulating certain sounds, similar to...
  7. R


    So why not put that attitude towards swimming and take coming last as a win? Also having worked in a bookies for a few years, tennis is the most rigged sport, moreso than grayhounds and you just need to give the dog a crust of bread to lose.
  8. shitepipe

    US politics

    any country that thinks either of these two should be president can get fucked
  9. Kermit McDermott

    US politics

    I'm not a Biden fan, I just hate seeing pricks like Trump getting what they want.
  10. Deadmanposting


    I am gonna read all of that This stuck out though What the girls wanted from their playspaces became clear: sheltered places that felt comfortable to sit in, spaces close to other people but not at the centre of a crowd from where they could see but not necessarily to be seen. They also wanted...
  11. M


    that was a john mcenroe pun FWIW
  12. YoungHearts


    I'm still here! (sometimes) 👋And a woman! :). I think I understand what you mean - in that objectification of women's bodies is just everywhere, and sport or exercise is perhaps reclaiming something, perhaps not even on a conscious level - although I know there are a myriad of reasons at work...
  13. Deadmanposting


    That's what the "UHM" was for! I have fucking no idea. I just love watching it.
  14. M


    you cannot be serious.
  15. rettucs


    ha, don't start me...
  16. Deadmanposting

    forthcoming film trailers

    Oh Jesus, that closing line Fucking hell
  17. Deadmanposting


    I do not have a perfect view of how women feel about their bodies. But just from discussions I've had or been privy too with women who exercise or strength train regularly. Escaping the tyranny of being seen to be thin. Or only loving your body when it is thin. Or reading people like Casey...
  18. Deadmanposting


    I think amateurs are as competitive as anyone else, they just don't have the gaudy numbers. Look at the top end of any Saturday ParkRun and you'll see heads that very much want to win. But I do like the idea of competing against a course rather than a person; biking Stelvio, running Boston...
  19. egg_


    also I gotta add that I'm pretty suspicious of the kind of advertising that says "We want to get 2000 women playing football!" (looking at you Cadbury's) How about getting 2000 women to do whatever the fuck they want to do?
  20. egg_


    Hmm Interesting thought, but your implication that "how it looks" is the main relationship girls typically have with their own bodies seems pretty suspect to me. Any of the women of thumped care to comment?