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  1. rettucs


    ha, don't start me...
  2. Deadmanposting

    forthcoming film trailers

    Oh Jesus, that closing line Fucking hell
  3. Deadmanposting


    I do not have a perfect view of how women feel about their bodies. But just from discussions I've had or been privy too with women who exercise or strength train regularly. Escaping the tyranny of being seen to be thin. Or only loving your body when it is thin. Or reading people like Casey...
  4. Deadmanposting


    I think amateurs are as competitive as anyone else, they just don't have the gaudy numbers. Look at the top end of any Saturday ParkRun and you'll see heads that very much want to win. But I do like the idea of competing against a course rather than a person; biking Stelvio, running Boston...
  5. egg_


    also I gotta add that I'm pretty suspicious of the kind of advertising that says "We want to get 2000 women playing football!" (looking at you Cadbury's) How about getting 2000 women to do whatever the fuck they want to do?
  6. egg_


    Hmm Interesting thought, but your implication that "how it looks" is the main relationship girls typically have with their own bodies seems pretty suspect to me. Any of the women of thumped care to comment?
  7. therealjohnny


    I think this is related to the general topic. Amazing physical abilities compared to us regular folk These women from the Tarahumara tribe in Mexico not only run ultra marathons in their traditional camp dresses and plain leather sandals, but they...
  8. pissypants

    Steam and other videogame bargains someone should buy...

    I think I pimped it here before, but Celeste is simply one of the greatest games ever made. Now available for cheaper that a shite chicken wrap from Dealz. It's essentially a twitchy and occasionally difficult platformer. The genius part is slowly stacking mechanic on mechanic until you feel...
  9. ernesto

    Your work situation

    Fuck them if they can’t take direction
  10. pete


  11. rettucs


    no worries. I mean elite level sport. but you are correct. For every sport that is a cesspool at its top end, there are many people getting lots and lots of enjoyment at their lower end. I wonder if the level of competitiveness is inversely proportional to enjoyment. Probably.
  12. pete

    forthcoming film trailers

  13. pete


    “A consolation prize for not getting your phd”
  14. N


    Good to hear thumped comparing sports fans positively to mere super heroes. Rhasidat Adeleke is 4 real. Wonderwoman and Barbie are fake. Hollywood like most popular culture is crap. No wonder a lot of lunkheads like me love sport. A distant second to the perfection of music but best of da rest.
  15. Deadmanposting


    70k for a job requiring a masters? Jees, Louise
  16. ann post

    Home improvement

  17. pete


  18. Deadmanposting


    Wait, are you talking about a sport that is mostly clean? SO then you can tell me how everyone in it is juicing? I mean like good for humanity. We are generally better people when we have movement in our lives. We're happier, we live longer, we have more purpose. The Tour de France might be a...
  19. Deadmanposting


    Pro sports are fantastic spectacle of human competition They can be transformative narratives Look at what Italia 90 did for us Look at the West Indies cricket team beating an Asutralian cricket team that considered themselves racially superior Ali in the jungle against Foreman Jesse Owens Even...
  20. S

    Your work situation

    In my experience: "Hey six figure earning boss, if you're going to edit and tweak tender proposals all the time, please learn what the page break function does, instead of hitting return over and over" Guess what, I didn't keep that job.