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  1. M


    i've not tried it, but have read that the best approach is to have coffee and go for a nap - the coffee takes about 15 minutes to kick in so as you wake, you get a double boost.
  2. JohnnyRaz

    DIY Guitar Messing About

    Video or it didn’t happen. Badly played blues/garagey shite on the recently finished guitar. I’m liking this one the more I play it I have to say.
  3. sleepy

    Fontaines DC

    I mix my vocals so low that no one knows what accent I have
  4. Deadmanposting


    Yeah, taht's where I am I can pretty much crawl up anywhere and snooze Any empty room in this building that I can lock and won't get distrubed in, I can get a nap in It's like taking drugs
  5. M


    I'm an enthusiastic napper. Will do for a 20 minute snooze most days.
  6. therealjohnny


    I tend to fall into a deep sleep and am unable to wake up again after naps I live the idea of napping though
  7. Deadmanposting


    What kind of napper are you? An eye mask and ear plugs and 20 minutes might give you a boost? Everyone is different, obv
  8. Denny Oubidoux


    I usually get 6 to 6.5 hours because I stay up too late. I ordered some stick-on blackout blinds for the windows
  9. Denny Oubidoux

    Minor complaints thread

    So many scam calls lately
  10. Deadmanposting

    Fontaines DC

    I dunno. I have heard him interviewed and he sounds like lads I knew grewing up from the other side of the river, but somewhere between D6 and D12, like a mix of Crumlin and Ranelagh, but not Blackrock? But also lads up in Willow Park who told you they were from Ballymun. The giveaway for me on...
  11. S

    Fontaines DC

    Unpopular opinion: I've always found Irish peoples interpretation of other Irish peoples accent to be highly subjective. I believe it's a post colonial thing, but I don't know.
  12. S

    Minor complaints thread

    Well this is fun. The info board still informs you that 1st class is located at the front of the train. The train that doesn't exist. Next one in thirty minutes. Maybe. There's actually a major complaint relating to this journey. Asahi £7.70
  13. therealjohnny


    Starting to feel the lag now and seriously considering taking the rest of the day off
  14. Cormcolash

    Folk Horror

    He shows up to the odd gig alright, think he might have been at Godflesh too
  15. Cormcolash

    Fontaines DC

    You know Chatten's actual accent is more like D4 West Brit style right?
  16. Deadmanposting


    Been a rough week with work and my commitments Barely getting 7 - nevermind the 8+ I need Same old story, getting up is easy. Going to bed is hard.
  17. ann post


    5-6hrs is my regular
  18. therealjohnny

    Folk Horror
  19. Deadmanposting

    Fontaines DC

    Gotta be tough for a lot of bands, doing everything they can to make it happen, and then a bunch of young fellas have it happen for them Probably true all over the world, in every scene So many things have to go right. I think the kid is a good lyricist and has swagger. But so much about it...
  20. MacDara


    Wordle 1,097 5/6 🟨⬛⬛🟨🟨 🟩🟨🟩⬛🟨 🟩⬛🟩🟩🟩 🟩⬛🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩