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  1. Cornu Ammonis

    US politics

    I have no knowledge or experience of Wombles, they were already old news by the time I was born.
  2. Cornu Ammonis

    US politics

    Welcome to English Twitter you cockwomble.
  3. Cornu Ammonis

    US politics

    ...(I think) about 10 for nitrogen, with the animal conscious for about 3-4 minutes at first. Interestingly, the injectable used in US executions*, sodium pentobarbital, is also being phased out for veterinary/scientific purposes due to its short term stress effects on animals. It also is...
  4. Cornu Ammonis

    US politics

    Nitrogen has been test in rodents and based on that it is not allowed to be used as it is slow, stressful, and inefficient. If we think it’s too cruel for rats, then what the fuck is going on here? (Beyond even the madness of accepting that corporal punishment is still a thing)
  5. Cornu Ammonis

    US politics

    They seem to have confused justice for Old Testament vengeance. Again.
  6. Cornu Ammonis

    US politics

    These jokes are a minor treat.
  7. Cornu Ammonis

    US politics

    You have to hope something will stick at some point.
  8. Cornu Ammonis

    US politics

    I was nearly going to say that.
  9. Cornu Ammonis

    US politics

    What would you pick? I think I’d swear in on a DVD of Lord of the Rings.
  10. Cornu Ammonis

    US politics

  11. Cornu Ammonis

    US politics

    Wait, is Don back on Twitter?
  12. Cornu Ammonis

    US politics

    Incorrect. Anchovies are godly, either straight out of the tin, as part of a sauce, or on a pizza (where they are the superior pizza topping).
  13. Cornu Ammonis

    US politics

    He really is the master of accidental poetry.
  14. Cornu Ammonis

    US politics

    Communism for the Soul
  15. Cornu Ammonis

    US politics

    Boris isn’t a surname. “An elegant theory slain by a beautiful fact.”
  16. Cornu Ammonis

    US politics

    Aside from actual Americans I follow on neuroscience Twitter, this is the only place where I read any mention of this stuff.
  17. Cornu Ammonis

    US politics

    Maybe I’ve been living under a massive rock but where are these Bernie Bros? I’ve seen so many tweets/posts complaining about how awful they are but I’ve yet to actually see one. Are they more of a real life thing?
  18. Cornu Ammonis

    US politics

    Hey, I’m doing my best to keep my fingers fat!
  19. Cornu Ammonis

    US politics

    My wedding ring falls off when my hands are cold.
  20. Cornu Ammonis

    US politics

    Garage is a French word, Americans pronounce it closer to how the French do. Ours is the corruption.