seanc's latest activity

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    seanc replied to the thread Minor Pleasures.
    Typo corrected. Pretty funny though.
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    seanc replied to the thread Minor Pleasures.
    There's a baker's near my house that stays open really late. Last I popped in a while and spoiled myself/support local business and vot...
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    seanc replied to the thread Your work situation.
    That's what ended up happening. It's not day rate +50%, but it's good. He's a good negotiator, this client. I'm just there to make it...
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    seanc reacted to Deadmanposting's post in the thread Your work situation with
    Do you ever want to get work from anyone concerned again? If they are desperate and you want a snash & grab, then ask for as much as you...
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    seanc replied to the thread Your work situation.
    I'm in a situation and I need advice. a good situation. Someone is desperate for a tech who can also operate a cherry picker...
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    Just go back through the messages. iirc, last time someone mentioned paywalls I posted a link to a paywall breaker and got internet...
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    I already told you link earlier. I think someone else mentioned it too. Though you don't get pictures, which I feel is probably a shame...
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    seanc reacted to xsteox's post in the thread People Who Died with
    Guy I work with was found this morning. He was in on Friday. Genuinely shocked
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    seanc replied to the thread Major Complaints Thread.
    Picking and choosing which funerals or weddings I can attend. I went to one funeral (in Bristol)*, because I felt like someone had to...
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    seanc replied to the thread Minor complaints thread.
    Update on this, I should get a refund for that journey. Don't know how it works in Ireland but there's a system for this over here. I...
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    seanc replied to the thread Jaysus cycling!.
    There's a market stall here flogging a variety of European cycling tops. Prices negotiable I assume. These jerseys mean nothing to me...
    • IMG_20240622_103607.jpg
  • S Tremendously long and not...
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    seanc replied to the thread Fontaines DC.
    I think it's relevant.
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    seanc replied to the thread Insomnia.
    +1 on the not eating late. I don't know how the southern Europeans do it
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    seanc reacted to ann post's post in the thread Insomnia with
    two things that effected my sleep positively a lot are Stopped drinking coffee after 3pm Don't really eat after about 5-6.